
By bird died! How do I dispose of its body?

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I have a little finch and, when I came home from work, I found him dead on the body of the cage.

I don't know what to do with its body. I can't just throw it away. I loved the little guy.

Honestly, I'm afraid to stick my hand in the cage. I'm afraid his body will feel gross. I don't know.

I know I'm rambling. I just don't know what to do right now.

Thanks for any help.




  1. I'm sorry for your loss, my suggestion, maybe you could put him in the little box and bury it in your backyard..  

  2. Sorry about your bird :(

    Mine died July 23 and I buried it in my backyard.

    Just wrap your hand in a plastic bag or wear gloves.

    Hope this helps.

  3. When my parakeet died, I bough a little wooden box from an arts and crafts store to bury him in it.  I promise you, his body won't feel gross or squishy, or hard.  I picked up my parakeet's body with my hands, because I know that would be the last time I held him.  I wrapped my hands around his still-warm body and pet him.  I think I stood outside with him in my hands for an hour before I finally had the heart to lock him away.

    My suggestion is, is that if you are afraid of the body, use a cloth.  Wrap him up in it and bury him in the cloth.  This way it is cheap and you don't have to worry about touching him.

    My appoligies--may your finch find peace at last.


  4. He won't feel gross, he'll feel like a little bunch of feathers. I placed my dead bird in a shoe box and buried him in the yard. Sorry for your loss.

  5. Sorry for your loss, id put it a shoe box and bury it.

  6. flush it!! jk bury him in a small box

  7. omg! thats soooo sad! im sorry to hear that... i think the best thing to for the little guy is to bury him in your backyard in a place thats special to you. i know this might not sound special but put him in a plastic bag (or shoebox) first so that no dogs or cats try to get to him. then you wont have to worry about anything digging up the little guy. to get him out of the cage you could use a small gardening shovel or use plastic gloves or you could just have somebody else do it 4 you.

          RIP little finch :(

    good luck!

  8. go in with a glove pick it up put it in a shoe box with its name on it and bury in you backyard with a little wooden cross, that will show your respect towards the bird.

  9. is your cage able to be brought outside? If it is not too large to carry, you can carry the whole thing outside and bury it outside. This way you can dump your little guy right out of the cage into the ground.

  10. OMG.....

    If you love it you wouldnt keep it in the cage for that long.

    Get some plastic gloves and pick it up and place it in an old towel or plastic bag. Barrie a hole in the ground deep so reccoons dont unbarrie him and place him in the cover it back up. You can place rocks over it so coons definatly wont dig in the hole.

  11. When my little gerbils died, I put on rubber gloves and buried them down by a creek.  I suggest giving your friend a proper burial, just choose a pleasant place where he won't get dug up easily or uncovered by rain.  I just wrapped my guys in a paper towel, dug down about a foot, and had a little ceremony where I spoke about what I would miss most about them.  It was sweet and gave me closure.  Your bird won't feel stiff or cold for a day or so, so just go ahead and take him out.  You will be okay!  Sorry for your loss.

  12. Use a paper towel and pick him up and place in a plastic bag.

    Dig a deep hold in your yard and place him there, then shovel the dirt

    over top and pat down with the back of the shovel, or place a large rock on top.

  13. Aw I'm so sorry. =[

    Give him a bird funeral and bury him.

  14. Aww, this is sad. I'm sorry to hear that.. :(

    If you really did care about him, have a funeral for him. :]

    If you are afraid of touching him, wear plastic gloves or something. Or use a kleenex.

  15. Use a paper towel or something of the sort  to pick it up with.Get a little box wrap the bird in a cloth then place him/her in the box and bury him/her.Sing the birdie a song if you feel like it.Place his/her toy if he had one in the box with him/her and say your goodbyes.(So Sorry to hear this.It is such a sad situation!!!

  16. burial at sea,....................Flush

  17. i know its gross to touch a lifeless body, personally i wrap my hand in a plastic bag and put the body in it and throw it in the trash, if he was really beloved you can dig a hole outside in ur yard and bury him

    hope i helped :)

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