
By changing your citizenship, does this change your nationality?

by  |  earlier

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Have you seen the time?!?! Me and my friends need to go to bed, the sooner we finish this debate the sooner we can get to bed. Help?




  1. Depends. Citizenship is usually a separate thing from nationality. For example if someone is born in the US of Mexican parents the child could be a US citizen and a Mexican national. Mexico does not allow dual citizenship but allows citizenship in one country and Mexican nationality.

    Or you can take the case of people with American nationality(American Samoans for example) They have US nationality but not US citizenship.

  2. yes it does to the country you turn to be citizen your nationality would be

  3. No it doesn't. You nationalty has nothing to do with your Citizenship. A Russian born person will always be Russian Nationality, a Mexican will always be Mexican. But anyone can have citizenship in any country. They will aways keep their own original family natural born blood and nationality

  4. Citizenship in a country determines your nationality. Citizens of the USA have the nationality of American. Citizens of Mexico have the nationality of Mexican. Citizens of Canada are Canadians. ETC. Ethnicity depends on blood heritage and in the USA will almost never match a geographic location because of intermarriage of ethnic groups.

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