
By condemning other people’s sins..aren’t you also becoming a part of it ???

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By condemning other people’s sins..aren’t you also becoming a part of it ???




  1. Why? You can't be a part of a sin that you haven't done yourself. Ask a real question.

  2. My motto....who am I to judge?

  3. Condeming is one thing, judging is another. I get what you're saying, if you are sining yourself how can you condem someone else from sining? everyone sins against God, but someone people not only hurt God but hurt others around them. When a man/woman commits adultery not only is he hurting God but also his/her wife/husband [the kids if they have kids]. My thing is if you sin and it's between you and God fine, but don't hurt me in the process.

  4. isn't judging people the only fun part of being a christian?

  5. Most Christians are aware that condemning another is as good as condemning themselves.

    Condemnation is for God, not us.

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