
By demanding that Russia leave Georgia?

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Do you think the US ensured Russia would stay there!!!

Are the powers that rule over us thick or what? Why would Russia cow-tow to the Americans? Did anyone seriously think the Ruskies would scuttle home like the Yanks demanded?




  1. What a lot of people seem to forget is that Georgia was the aggressor and invaded Ossetia without any declaration of war. very much like the Japanese attack on Pearl harbour.

    Whatever action the Russsians have taken to protect their territory from an undeclared invasion was their legal right to do so. America would jump on this to make propoganda against Russia, yet the same Americans made an unlawful attack on Iraq and ignored Russian  objections to that.

    I am not a lover of Russia, but I have say what is the truth.


  2. its reverse phsicology both countries are supplied weapons etc from america . Got to make money  somhow to fund elections

  3. We have it backwards as usual. Georgia invaded Russia; we just think the reverse because some of us hark back to the bad old days of the USSR, and assume Russia's the bad guy.

  4. If they don't want to cow-tow to us, they can cow-tow to our missile shield in Poland.


    2 points!

  5. Russians will be forced into an alliance with Iran, China, Pakistan, and North Korea...

  6. For a country that invaded Iraq and nearly wiped them out, America can talk!

  7. You worded the question perfectly and it's apparent they'll do just as they wish. I am surprised at the amount of support the Russians are getting on this site lately though. It's not as if in the long term the Russians will be our friends or won't take every bit of advantage of who they can. I don't support the US foreign policies any more than Russian ones. Russia is expansionist and always has been, every bit as dangerous and frighteningly nationalistic. Bush acts thick, Putin acts the leader of a nation which he is not. They're both a threat to peace. I can't help but wonder what my opinion might be if I was in one of the countries that lived under Russian rule until the fall of the USSR.

  8. it is only the americans who are allowed to invade country's especially where oil is concerned

  9. It seems to me that you americans think you can go round invading whoever you want when you get bored, but seem to cause a tantrum when another country invades your allies. You guys think you are heroes standing up for georgia but you havn't done anything, even though georgia sent thier troops to iraq for you.  

  10. Russian weaponry is still in the soviet era.America can first stop any type of rocket from Russia from even landing.America can avoid radar so well they could bomb all russian military installations in russia without any significant damage.Don't kid yourself.China,India and Russia are big players on the world's stage,but there is only one super power militarily and that is Britain's best friend (luckily)America.Russia is a backward country,where a lot of it's citizens are short of food,because 50% of the budget goes to arms.America talks and you will listen.There is only one certainty in life,and that is that America will never allow Britain to be attacked by another country.They would come to our help.Never forget that

  11. Dead right they will, it is a Pentagon trick that has gone pear shaped in just the same way as when President Galtieri  invaded the Falkland islands in 1982 to cover up his mismanagement of the Argentine economy.

    Prime minster Margaret Thatcher claimed the credit that Galtieri set out to achieve when the U K economy took a downturn by diverting the attention of the British people to the war.

    G.W. Bush has boobed once again and made the same mistake as Galtieri by supporting the U S puppet president of Georgia and attempting to divert the attention of the world from the state of the American economy.

    Do you know who said : "what a blessing for those of us in power that people do not think"?

  12. Should we have sent them a housewarming gift instead? Europe dropped the ball on this by not allowing Georgia and the Ukraine into NATO. Russia saw EU had no stomach AGAIN to defend itself or its neighbors and allowed Putin to do as he said he would. Recreate the Soviet Union.  

  13. The Russians are back where they have been since 1992 when South Ossetia and Georgia signed an agreement after their bloody little war (89-91).

    Georgia broke off from the USSR but South Ossetia refused to be part of the new Georgia since the very beginning. They have not allowed one day of Georgian rule. They speak another language from the Georgians and are aligned with the North Ossetians (their relatives) who are on the Russian side of the border. The Ossetians were split against their will by Stalin. For some reason the US does not back their rights to freedom.

    There really is no excuse that people with internet access can't find out what is actually going on in the world. There are videos that show that ABC, CBS and NBC have been lying about this and other stories. The BBC started out telling the "truth" or close to it when Georgia first attacked South Ossetia but "changed" when Russia rolled in...Then the slanted reporting started...

    Luckily their early reporting sent oodles of reporters with cameras over the border before Russia even got there! Translated videos and news shows from on the ground (and sometimes "being-shot-at") reporting debunked the BBC reports within minutes sometimes!

    It was great fun to watch - try it some time on like on the next "big issue" Switch back and forth from Big Media to local and on-the-ground reporters...see where the "spin" is!  

  14. No they are not thick George W is playing dangerous games with European politics!

  15. My girl !! ))))))

  16. It's kow-tow.  No cattle involved.

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