
By experience, what has been the length of time waiting for an adoption to come through?

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I know a couple waiting for an adoption to come through and it has been just over 2 years with nothing yet. They are going through a reputable agency who does keep in touch with them.




  1. we adopted in the usa where we reside. it took us 16 mos to get a agency told us 4 yrs...we didn't go with them.

  2. Ours was a best case scenario, only took nine months.  Our agency told us most adoptions take one to two years and to prepare ourselves for two years so we would not be disappointed.

  3. over 2 years?  I find that hard to believe when there are thousands of kids in the system awaiting homes so I can't imagine it would take long

    Unless your friends are being extremely picky about the needy child they are willing to give a home to . . .

  4. Depends on the country.

    Russia and China can take EXTREMELY long, Malaysia I think is the one that takes the longest? I could be wrong.

    If its an international adoption the general time is 9 months to 1 year for finalization.

    I honestly think they should start looking into WHY its taking to long.

    Domestic adoptions can take anywhere from a few weeks to 6 months on average.

  5. I will assume they are looking for an infant. If it is an international adoption I have no clue. If it is domestic then my assumption would be that no breeding women have found them to be an attractive option. With most domestic infant adoptions the mother chooses who will parent her child. Maybe they just aren't what these moms are looking for.

  6. In Aus it takes about 2 years to finalise an o/seas adoption and even longer if you want to adopt and Aus baby.  So this is normal.  I understand that it is a lot quicker in America though.

  7. My neighbors who my family is very close with adopted a biy from Russia and it took about 3 1/2 years!!  Good Luck!

  8. Sounds like my son case if it's in the us then something went wrong (like birth father didn't sign any consent and the baby shouldn't have been put up for adoption) Could you give more info.

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