
By far, What is the best country in the world?

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By far, What is the best country in the world?




  1. True, everyone will just say their own country and the country with the highest population will be the one with the most votes.

    That is unless you absolutely hate your country.

    The only way you can determine this is looking at statistics, e.g. Life expectation, standard of living, unemployment rates etc.

    Everyone will like a different country for different reasons, just like not everyone likes the same flavor of ice cream. I don't really think you can determine "the best country" but from the country's I've actually visited (very few), Australia is by far the best.

    I believe that it is unfair to say that your county is the best until you have experienced other countries. I like to keep an open mind and not stereotype countries as "good" or "bad".

  2. You always praise the country where u r born and assume that's best country in world so my vote goes to India.

  3. New Zealand, which of course is where i live but I've traveled to 13 other countries and now I'm content just traveling around the more remote and beautiful areas

    of NZ

  4. Australia by far- for its incredibly high and impressive standard of living, friendly people and beautiful landscape.

    And I've lived in 3 continents in my 22 years. Nothing beats Australia.

  5. Sinse everyone loves his/her country,I'll say the best country in the world is Greece.Yia sou.

  6. Iceland!

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