
By focusing more on reducing or completely eradicating environmental damage, are we not also destroying lives?

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By this I mean that environmental regulation can put people out of work. For example, logging limits or restrictions make it much harder for loggers to log logs.




  1. Actually, we are destroying this country financially.

  2. No it doesn't!  Indescriminant logging destroys entire ecosystems.  Logging companies do the minimum required to meet environmental legislation and usually only plant monocultural forests which are susceptible to disease and insect infestations.  80% of North America's forest are gone due to poor forest management, yet we whine about the South American rainforest.  

    Sustainable alternatives create more jobs than are lost.

  3. whenever we do things, there are always by products that we don't like. situations like this are unavoidable. the government must be the one to do something to the ones that will lose their jobs in such situations.

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