
By how much will using energy effecient light bulbs increase my heating bill?

by  |  earlier

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*Currently using "filament" 100 W bulbs consuming about 4 kW per day.




  1. maybe you should be asking, "how much will using CF light bulbs reduce your air conditioning bill?"

  2. You will not pay globally more for the following reason:

    Solution A: If you heat with electricity,

    whether the heat is provided by an incandescent lightbulb (through the 90% heat losses), or by a resistor (electric heater), the same quantity of electricity gives the same quantity of heat.You still need the same quantity of electricity to heat and it cost the same price: NO CHANGE FOR YOU

    1kWh of electricity is transformed to 1kWh of heat (efficiency of 100%).

    Solution B: If you heat with other fuels (natural gas, wood, oil, etc...).

    The additional heat you need to "make up" for the reduced "heat losses" of the light bulb is CHEAPER than electricity.

    This is because fossil fuels are transformed to electricity with an efficiency of 33%, while burning directly the same fossil fuels has an efficiency of 70-95%.

  3. NONE

  4. By how much will it INCREASE your heating bill? Why do you imagine it will? What would be the point of buying energy efficient bulbs if INCREASED your bill? It doesn't.

  5. It will cost more to buy the lightbulbs but it will pay of  because you willl save more energy and probably save about at least 50$ on your electricity bill every month

  6. put a 55 gallon drum of grass clippings in your basement.   rotting vegetation gives off heat.  this small amount of heat will offset the small amount of heat lost from the light bulbs.

    and how many light bulbs do you need turned on in your house.  for reals.

  7. None. They are relatively inefficient heaters relative to most other forms of heat.

  8. The small amount that your heating bill will go up in the winter will be offset by the savings on your cooling bill in the summer.

    More importantly, there are other pros and cons to using the new energy efficient light bulbs.  


    They save energy.

    They save money even though they cost more.


    They contain mercury so must be recycled or will cause more damage to environment than they save.

    They start very slowly so the room will be semi-dark when they are first turned on.

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