
By looking at Yahoo answers, who else would agree that the world is fucd up?

by  |  earlier

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I mean who ever decided to divide us into categories and groups of race did a darn good job. They actually have scientific evidence that supports segregation and that convinces us were all actually different.

Human beings were put on this earth to enjoy it fruits and flowers and to make other human babies.

But what are we doing? Blowing up other continents, killing people cause of color, growing up "confused" because your "mixed" (as if you were a dog or something) and you cant figure out which group you belong to...We have complicated humanity..and its truly sad.




  1. I agree!

  2. It's true. Thank God there are still people like you and me who are not racist. Great point you made.

  3. amen

  4. Truuuuuue

    i get what your sayiing gurrl.

  5. i agree... but the world is not ****** up... i still trust humanity

  6. Welcome to reality. This is how humans are and will be til the day we no longer exist.  

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