
By picking Palin can the American people claim the McCain Campaign is in Trouble?

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By picking Palin can the American people claim the McCain Campaign is in Trouble?




  1. How can you tell?  Palin hasn't addressed one issue yet...maybe she is an outstanding candidate.  It isn't a bad or a good pick, yet, because no body knows what she's even for.  

  2. NO WAY! Obamas ship is sinking fast hough. Palin was an EXCELLENT pick

    She knows the environment, national security, foriegn policy

  3. I guess being a PTA leader and 1.5 years as Gov of a distant province qualifies you to be a heard beat away form the presidency. McCain is a hypocrite. He cant say S**t to Obama about experience now. Also she is under investigation in Alaska. McCain picked a inexperienced Yes woman. At least Biden will talk up when he doesnt agree with Obama. Shameless

  4. No, the American people can claim McCain picked someone that still has more experience than obama

  5. I think a woman as VP was a smart choice, if all you wanted to do was get elected. Thinking past the election to the "what if" scenarios once he is President makes the pick not such a great one.

  6. McCain just brought me from Undecided or Third Party to considering him.  It's the FIRST time I've considered him, EVER.

    It was a brilliant move.  The fact that Democrats and Obama-ists are scrambling for any little damage control crumb just demonstrates how brilliant it was.

    Either way, we get our first black President or our first woman Vice-President (who will probably become President).  It's a good year for American politics!

  7. I listen it 1st time

  8. Why? Because she has more experience than Obama? Oh I get it, "liberal" logic. McCains campaign is fine

  9. After watching the dem convention, it seems you can claim anything you want.  Doesnt make it true, though

  10. Palin was an excelent and strategic maneuver..liberals are just sacred sh*tless now.

  11. Personally as much as I can't stand either choice for President, I think Obama and McCain are playing their games well.

    Biden was a very smart pick for Obama. He picked an older, white man, who has been in Washington longer and who has decades of experience under his belt.

    McCain picked a young and fresh woman who has built a pretty solid campaign and governorship on ethics and has actually followed through with the majority of her promises. She's done wonders for Alaska.

    They're playing smart games now. It'll be interesting to see how things turn out.

  12. Obviously, only the democrats will claim this.

  13. pretty much

    but according to republicans she is great because she has "executive experience" and her son is a iraq vet

    hey most of my friends are iraq vet too, so what does that mean?

  14. I was surprised with the pick, and believe that it was a very smart move by McCain.  Also, it makes the race more interesting in general.

  15. 80% approval rating in Alaska. There's a reason for that.  

  16. McCain blew it. Big time. Looks like Obama is our next President.

  17. He blew it. Big time. so much for national security

  18. The Obamabots are unraveling.  Good.  Obama chose a good old boy.  So much for change.

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