
By selecting Sarah Palin for VP, do you think McCain?

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has the dirty old men constituency locked up?




  1. Well consider the following:

    McCain's first wife was a beauty queen.

    McCain's second wife was a beauty queen.

    McCain's VP selection was a runner-up beauty queen!

    The guy's got a one track mind!

    Hermes: I think the reaction to your #2 was mixed.  The main stream media may have been drinking the Republican Kool-Aid, but the blogs-o-sphere and elsewhere were not.

  2. He probably does !!

  3. Senator McCain has no interest in the dirty old man constituency.  

    Sarah Palin was intended to do three things:

    1.  Bring the extremist Religious Right back on board (they are not supportive of McCain himself).  Her record of opposing s*x education, abortion, and free speech regarding religious issues, together with her membership in one of the more outre Right wing churches accomplished that goal nicely.

    2.  Wow the media and get positive coverage back.  This worked very well and the goal was accomplished.  Those of us who find it alarming that she didn't even have input into her own speech at the convention are a clear minority (and of course, are not in the media).

    3.  Bring the PUMAS  on board.  This is the final goal -- the success of which could give McCain the election.  On this goal only he seems to have miscalculated.  Sarah Palin shares none of the goals of the PUMAS and Barack Obama does.  They may hate him for beating Hillary in the Democratic primary, but in the final analysis they aren't voting for JUST a woman, they want a woman that shares their values -- and on every point Sarah Palin does not.

    Those were McCain's intentions with his pick -- that is my (and several far more professional analysts' -- I'm just a grass rooter) interpretation of his success.

    Kind regards,


    PS In the spirit of full disclosure -- I am a Democrat, BUT I also am a registered donor for Rudy Guiliani in this year's primary.  He is the only person in either party that I gave money to, and while I liked Senator McCain a great deal in 2000 (and would have voted for him) -- he has NOTHING to offer me this year.  You can paint a yes man as a maverick -- but that doesn't make him one.

  4. Yes, Jay Severin, the right wing talk radio host, instantly started stroking himself on air, encouraging others to call in with comments like "At last, politics got interesting, I finally want to have s*x with one of the candidates." and that made the pervert Jay drool even more, calling her 'The Hot Librarian". Hypocrites to the last drop.

  5. can we talk about Michael Palin instead?  

  6. Try spiking your coffee with some Irish whiskey.

  7. He got my vote.............

  8. Hi Papa McCain!

    I adore you still. :]


    Yes. Sure.

  9. Thanks to Hermes for so succinctly explaining why Palin was picked as VP.

    I'd think she'd scare the dirty old men constituency and McCain had best watch the back of  his neck after all she said it herself she's a pit bull with lipstick.    

  10. i don't care for her ,and the bears don't like her

    and some of her neighbors really seem to hate her guts.  

  11. As part of that constituency, he's not getting my vote, so I guess the answer is no.

    I was for him the 1st 2 times he ran, but I prefer Ron Paul, doesn't matter anyway, the powers that be will put in who has been predetermined & anyone who gets to that level already has to be ready to play ball, they throw you a few issues to pretend a difference, such as abortion or gun control, but they are, in actuality 2 sides of the same coin.

  12. He is the poster boy for dirty old man.

    In 1980 at the age of 44 he divorced his first wife and 2 months later married Cindy who was only 24 years old.

  13. He seems to have YOUR vote Papa!!!!

    ♥ ya!!

  14. God I hope not....what about you...your a dirty old man...does she have you by your balls.....frankly...I think I am way better looking he should have choose me to be his running mate....but wait...I'M NOT REPUBLICAN......

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