
By sheer luck, I have found an everyday product,that is extremely cheap to buy,?

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works miracles in an area that it is not designed for. This product is widely available and not made by an individual company. I obviously do not want to reveal my findings at this stage but to give you an example of what i mean:

If a bottle of vinegar(sold by many people) works brilliantly as a paint stripper ( it doesnt ) how does a person like myself legally market it as the other item(paint stripper). The product i have found is as widely , freely and as cheaply available as vinegar. How do i capitalise on this secret ?




  1. change the chemical make up slightly,because you are in breach of copy right of the product you are using, and then get it mat-tend in your name

    regards x kitti x

  2. Make it different so you are not breaking copyright /patent and trade marks, then sell it.

  3. Your example, vinegar is a product with many applications. Rather than trying to market it as something else, there are numerous books that have been selling for years giving all the uses. Pick up any of the tabloids at the weekend and there will be an ad for a book about vinegar.  The same ads have been running for 30 years to my knowledge so they must make money.

    If it is a freely available product that you are talking about then package it and sell it. With the right marketing people will buy anything. Look at all the brands of painkillers about.

    Most of them are just asprin with something added to make it taste nice, yet people are prepared to pay 10 times the price for a brand name.

    Generally the public are incredibly gullible and will buy anything if it is actively sold to them.

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