
By singing child support documents when u cant read?

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ok so here is the deal my current husban was with his x, at the time liveing in CO. she ran away with her cheater boyfriend and was pregnate at the time w twins to KS. she had thebabys there and the non bio dad signed the BC and know she comes back and has a blood test done and finds out that the cheater she ran away with is not the bio dad, meanwhile CS agencey is know after my husban for child support and go to his job harssing him to sign the paper he is not a good reader and when he gose down there they woul not let me go in with him so he signed papers that he dose not know what they say and i gusse gave up his right to a pharernal test, so it made him responable for the 30,000.00 back child support owed, know the childern still have the non bios dads last name and my huban is paying child support on childern he dose not know if they are his or not. Can anything be done about this? if you sign the BC is'ent that legal adopption? even if after the facted the non bio dad has a tes




  1. a paternity test, if it proves that your husband is in fact the father means he has the rights to them.  he can file for custody for them rather than just pay child support.  If he isn't the father then he wouldn't need to pay child support.  Easy and simple as that.  

    The birth certificate is not an adoption paper.  Fight for custody, his ex wife might not be so happy about that and she might jsut break down.  Go seek a lawyer.

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