
By touching or handling lead bricks can you have lead exposure?

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When lead is hardened into its elemental form in this way, is it still possible for it to abrade off and absorb through your skin into your bloodstream, and/or be ingested if you're negligent in thoroughly cleaning it from your hands after you handle a lead brick?

My father has a bunch of lead bricks at his work place (he owns a rigging company) that he uses to weight things down. Is it possible that any lead could get onto his clothing from him interaction with these blocks, and that the lead could, from there, contaminate all the clothing in the washer & dryer, and eventually find its way into -me-?

Lastly. My father came home from work today and, without washing his hands, used my computer. Would it be wise for me to throw out this keyboard/mouse and buy new ones?




  1. unless u l**k ur hands afterwords or have them in contact with any holes of ur body eyes nose ears or mouth no wash hands with soap afterwords

  2. Minute quantities of lead are present on the lead bricks and in the air when the bricks are being handled.  These minute particles of lead can get in the hair, under the nails, on the clothing and, over a period of time, cause lead poisoning.

    His clothes should be washed separate from the clothing of the rest of the family in order to reduce the risk of passing off lead particles to others.

    It is not necessary for you to throw out your computer equipment, merely disinfect them thoroughly.

    Historians attribute (somewhat) the downfall of the Roman Empire to the use of lead pipes to carry water into their homes and the subsequent lead poisoning caused mild dementia in a large portion of the population.

    Nero was believed to have developed dementia before he burned Rome from the same source of lead.  

  3. simply being in the presence of lead isn't harmful. it's ingesting lead that's bad for you. that's why they stopped using lead-based paint, because toddlers would eat the chipped off paint and get lead poisoning. and the same goes for lead pots and pans - the lead can seep off into your food and give you lead poisoning when you eat the food. so unless your dad is l*****g or eating the lead bricks, i wouldn't be too worried.

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