
By vetoing the UN resolution on Zimbabwe are Russia and China flexing their new found muscle?

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In a slap on the face to Britain and the West, Russia and China have vetoed a UN resolution imposing sanctions on President Mugabe of Zimbabwe. China and Russia are now major economic powers and also powerful military forces,thereby excercising these realities they have used the power of veto on a UN resolution initiated by the Western nations.Are we witnessing a new turn in international politics as in normal circumstances they would have abstained from voting than use the power of veto.




  1. First, its not new muscles...China and Rusia have had the right to veto resultions ever since the UN was created, as well as France, US, and Britain...

    And they are doing it in their best interest. Unfortunately, their interest doesn't align with the US's.

  2. They are proving themselves to be obstructionists and supporters of oppressive regimes.  What else is new?  This is clearly a case that evidences why the U.N. is a useless P.O.S. organization that is way overdue for being disbanded.  The U.N. is an embarrassing and utterly useless organization.

  3. They have been flexing their muscles.. And they really do have quite the muscle.. China has been threatening to invade Taiwan, which would mean war with the U.S. (from my understanding). They've also been doing joint military exercises with Russia. I'd be watching both of them closely, if I were in charge..

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