
By what percent does time slow down if you're in a jet relative to someone standing on the ground?

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(((Boo))) so cute




  1. It does not change at all, since you are inside the atmosphere of the earth.  You would have to leave the atmosphere to have this happen.

  2. Wouldn't it depend on which way you fly? East or west? And how would it change if you went north or south, if at all?

  3. Oh gosh, i 100%ly always waved to a relative on the ground when i fly. i do it very sloooooowly so's they can be sure to see me.

  4. Not very much! In fact it's nearly infintely small.

    1000 mi/hr = 0.28 miles per second

    (0.28 mi/s)/186,000 mi/s = (1.5 x 10^-6) the speed of light

    Using the time dilation formula I get NO time dilation on my calculator. It's that small.!!!

    Probably in the nano-second range!

    But check the site below

  5. The fastest manned jet aircraft is the SR-71 blackbird which can nudge 1 km / s. That's pretty nippy. However, if they maintained that speed for 5696 years, the folks on Earth would have experienced 1 second more time.

    The formula for gamma is:

    γ = 1 / sqrt( 1 - v^2/c^2 )

    So, assuming a speed of 1000 m/s, what's the gamma?

    γ = 1 / sqrt( 1 - 1000^2 / 299792458^2 )

    γ = 1 / sqrt( 1 - 1.11265*10^-11 )

    γ = 1 / sqrt( 0.9999999999888735 )

    γ = 1 / 0.99999999999443675

    γ = 1.00000000000556325

    That's d**n small, you'd need very precise time keeping devices in order to measure that. The formula for time dilation is:

    t' = γt

    So for every second the guys in the SR-71 experience, us folks on the ground will experience 1 second and 5.56 pico seconds.

  6. Alright! Looks like we got a little Einstein action right here.

    Well, what do we know... no matter how fast you are moving, light always passes you at the same speed. So, if you are moving at the speed of light, in order for light to pass you at the same speed, time must be stopped. If you don't understand why, think of the light passing you as you're moving 60 MPH down the freeway at the exact time that you yourself are passing someone walking down the side of the road. Light passes both of you at exactly the same speed! The only way for this to happen is for time to be going slower for you.

    Now.... as for a jet... 500 MPH (or however fast they're going...) isn't very much compared to the 300,000,000 m/s that light travels at. But, it is a little slower though. If you have two clocks, one on the ground, and one that is in a plane that flies around nonstop for a month, at the end of the month, the clock in the plane will be behind.

  7. The best way to "slow" time down for you while others experience "normal" time lapse is to park yourself right outside the edge of a black hole.  The concept of time goes right out the window.  :)

  8. Hah! Good one - time is relative - but as you'd have to travel just below the speed of light to actually slow time time to measurable amounts - your average jet travels at 500MPH and the speed of light is 3x10 power 8 meters per second or around 186,000 miles per second - therefore almost too tiny to measure. A more interesting idea might be to throw a straw to the fundies out there and ask could Jesus be hiding in one of the extra dimensions we now consider exist?  

  9. You are talking about one of this services where they serve you all the champagne you want?

  10. The time in airplane which flies at speed v and at height h is slowed down by fraction

    (v²/2 - gh) / c²

    Note that if airplane flies slower than velocity of a rock dropped from height h when when the rock hits the ground, then the time on-board such airplane runs faster.

  11. 2.99792458 x 10 8 m/s light

    450miles/hr plane   200.2m/s

    6.68E-7 sec

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