
By when should I get my period after a miscarriage?

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I had a miscarriage(D&C) on July 30th, the bleeding stopped a week and a half after that day, I would say around August 10th. Before my pregnancy my periods were regular(as in every month) however, they were between 35-37 days, never less, and maybe one day more than the previous month.

I was 8 weeks pregnant when I had the miscarriage. My mom is kind of worried that i haven't gotten my period, since she had a miscarriage 3 years ago(also D&C) and she wouldn't get her period for like 3 months after! I don't want that to happen to me. Last time I didn't get my period for half a year(happened only once last year) my doctor gave me pills for me to get it-which it worked. If I don't get my period by mid September you think he will be able to give me those same pills? Or is it different since I had a miscarriage?




  1. The simple answer is yes he can give you the provera.  I wouldn't take those just yet.  Your body is adjusting to not being pregnant anymore and it takes time to heal.  When your body is ready, your cycle will start on its own.  Whether it takes 1 month or 6, that is normal.  When you take provera, it interrupts your normal hormones, so if you were about to ovulate, it would prevent it and you wouldn't release an egg and that can cause cycts on your ovaries.  But on the other hand, if you ovulate after you take the provera, it can delay your period by a couple of weeks by keeping your progesterone level high.  I know it's tough, but just be patient.  If you haven't had a period in 6 months after the D&C, make an appointment with your OB/GYN.  I hope this helps!

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