I had a miscarriage(D&C) on July 30th, the bleeding stopped a week and a half after that day, I would say around August 10th. Before my pregnancy my periods were regular(as in every month) however, they were between 35-37 days, never less, and maybe one day more than the previous month.
I was 8 weeks pregnant when I had the miscarriage. My mom is kind of worried that i haven't gotten my period, since she had a miscarriage 3 years ago(also D&C) and she wouldn't get her period for like 3 months after! I don't want that to happen to me. Last time I didn't get my period for half a year(happened only once last year) my doctor gave me pills for me to get it-which it worked. If I don't get my period by mid September you think he will be able to give me those same pills? Or is it different since I had a miscarriage?