
C. J. Wilson visits New York to promote 'It’s Time' DVD and talks on Cliff Lee

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C. J. Wilson visits New York to promote 'It’s Time' DVD and talks on Cliff Lee

The Texas Rangers are trying to live up to expectation. They did a lot in 2010 and with the turn of the decade, many supporters expect a shift in their responsibilities. They made their first World Series appearance in history and shaped the future with
an expectation to win the tournament in the long run. The side that has been on the forefront of attention, lately, has tasked C. J. Wilson with the responsibility to promote the ‘It’s Time’ DVD.
C. J. Wilson has been a Rangers man for quite some time now and the clubhouse has made him their ambassador to promote merchandise items across the country. That is one of the reasons why he was in New York, recently. The 15 (wins) – 8 (losses) season figures
make Wilson a hot asset in the Texans line up and he made his way to the MLB studios to talk about the documentary and Cliff Lee.   
Wilson wasn’t serious about Lee’s transfer saga but he did provide a lot of commentary along the show’s duration. He talked about Lee’s agent, Darek Braunecker, and his experience in being part of the event.
"His agent's dealing with all the negotiations. His agent has to be the happiest guy in the world right now," C. J. Wilson said. "He gets to talk to Brian Cashman, gets to talk to Nolan Ryan. He's like, 'Six years? Seven years? Whattya got? Whattya got?
These guys are giving me that thing, what are you giving me?"
"The way free agency works - it's great for the game overall. It's a chance for a lot of fans to be activated. That's the one thing I never understood until recently, with Twitter. People were texting me all the time and saying, 'Please tell Cliff Lee to
come back!' I mean, the guy is a grown man. He's 33; he's going to do what he wants to do."
Wilson would relish a chance to play with Cliff Lee again and believes the Rangers’ chances for the coming season playoffs will boost up again. The possibility of Cliff Lee returning doesn’t seem to resonate with analysts but then, there is no indication
as to where he may end up. If one looks at the cash offer the New York Yankees put on the table, there isn’t much of a doubt he’ll go to the East Coast.



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