
C-Sections moms out there did you feel nervous about having a 2nd child do to the fact that...

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you may very well need another c section? i want at least 3 children but it makes me nervous knowing i would have to have that many surgeries because of uterine rupture etc....i had to have olivia c section because i was induced and could only dilate to 4cm after 16 OB said i also have a very high cervix but after i delievered said im still a candiate for a VBAC. please share your advice and knowledge...

i want to space out my children at least 2 to 3 years apart...




  1. The RN at the hospital where Neel was born said that there is new research these days which is making OBs decide to do c-sections if the previous delivery was a c-section.

  2. I knew I would have to have more C-sections if I wanted more than one child.  Nope I wasn't nervous.  It didn't bother me.  I got to pick the time and date to have my two younger children.  If you want to space out your children then you need to get on birth control, C-sections and vaginal births have nothing to do with how many years/months are between births.  My kids are 3 years apart but it wasn't "planned" that way.  I was on birth control when I became pregnant all three times.  

  3. I had to have a planned c-section with my daughter because she was breech. Now that I'm pregnant with my second, I've been planning on trying for a VBAC.  However, after meeting with my doctor yesterday, I'm changing my mind. She told me that I'll have a one in a hundred chance that my uterus will rupture (and that's if I'm not induced) and if that happens, the results can be really bad. While they may be able to get him out in time, he could suffer from brain damage and either of us could die. While I know other moms who have had successful VBACs, I just don't think I could forgive myself if anything happened to my son because I wanted to "experience" giving birth and have lots of kids (we want 4). Another factor I'm considering is that I didn't feel at peace with having a VBAC. I was really, really nervous. Even though the recovery time sucks with a c-section and its never fun to go through surgery, I feel more comfortable with that choice, personally. Its a really difficult and emotional choice, but in the end, I think its best to do what you feel the most comfortable with. I've had to let go of all my previous expectations and focus on what's really important...holding my beautiful baby in my arms when its all over!  

  4. I completely feel the same way. My first C section wasn't planned and I've had a bit of a rough time dealing with it emotionally. I don't really know why it has affected me this way, but it has. I initially thought I wouldn't be able to have all the kids I wanted to have, but I'm learning that that may not be the case. The thought of going through all that again makes me uneasy, but honestly, I know I will do it again. I just have to get myself pumped up first. :)  Best of luck!

  5. I was nervous, but knew I would have to have another c section.  But here's the thing...after a few weeks you are totally fine (hopefully) and you have this wonderful little baby.  So yeah c sections suck but it's worth it.  The second time for me was better because I knew what to expect and how to prepare (1st was emergency, totally unprepared.)  I made food ahead of time and froze it, had childcare lined up for 1st child, etc.  Not so bad.

  6. I was an emergency c-section mom and I was so disappointed! For my second I really wanted a VBAC but I couldn't get any support! I called my local midwife group and they refused to take me as a client (they said a c-section was considered a high risk patient!) I was crushed - I thought these people would be my biggest supporters! The laws changed in my area and most hospitals will now no longer do VBACs :(. So, I had my next one through a scheduled c-section. I hope you find good support through whatever you choose.

  7. I was in the same boat.  When I had my second child one dr told me i did not have a choice c section only.  when i went into labor the covering dr asked me what I wanted to do (I had a scheduled apt but went early).  I decided to have the c section and when the dr cut into me he said that my uterine wall was extremely thin and that if I went vaginally i had a good chance to loose the baby.  So I am glad that I had the c section.  Read up on it.  I found a lot of info on the web about having a child after a c section.

  8. Wow you sound almost exactly like me, except I was induced with my first and only dilated to a 6 after 3 was horrible but I ended up having a c section. I am pregnant with my 2nd and will be having a repeat section on Tuesday! I am not a good candidate for vbac because I had another abdominal surgery very recently before I got pregnant. I cant even express how nervous I am. People say that planned c section moms take "the easy way out" but it's not true. That is major surgery, and it's hard. Your being cut open for God's sake! Recovery is harder and longer, especially when you have a 2 year old like I do! Even after I say all this negative stuff though, I wouldn't change anything about this, because it is awesome to bring a new life into the world. It's all about holding that new baby in your arms knowing you created it, and thats what it's all about anyway, right?

  9. Had 1 emergency c and 3vbacs ,1st one I didn't know to expect (his cord was wrapped)- he's 25 and has 2 kids,  2nd was my choice(was most painful- now she's 18) 3rd was easiest- gonna be 15 and special need - just got her out of diapers last summer (pws), 3rd-will be 14 -was walking at 10mos.  so I never really experienced labor, sometime I don't feel  I have the same bonding as natural labor.  most time you CAN have natural labor after c-sections. Oh and get the flannel blanket to wrap around belly - it feels better when you cough. just my experience, hope it helps and in the 25yrs things have changed alot on the way they do them - my tubes are cut tied and bunrt-we're waiting on "empty nest syndrome"

  10. if you had a bikini you could try for it, I can't because I had a vertical csection and always knew I'd be a csection because of previa.  I myself wouldn't want to go through surgery again but atleast you'd be able to see your baby if all went well.  It's true it'd stink to go through labor then have to go through surgery anyway.  That happened to my sister in law, and she had a really rough time.

  11. I had my first c-section 15 months ago due to my daughter being breech, im now 29wks5days pregnant with my second baby, and to be honest, im more nervous this time round than i was the first.  

  12. I also had my baby girl, Sophie, via C-section because she was so big. My doctor and I decided to not even try for a vaginal delivery as my cervix did not open one single bit. I was worried that I may never have a vaginal birth and was concerned that may limit the number of children I could have. He advised me is not necessarily true and I can have as many children as I wanted. Each pregnancy and delivery is unique and circumstantial. I also plan to have at least 3 children .... and I plan to have a scheduled c-sections.

  13. I was induced with my 1st son. I was in labor for 26 hours, and only dilated to 5 cm. So my dr. said i had to have a c-section. I was so nervous!!! After the birth of my son the dr told me i would never be able to have children vaginally because a bone in my pelvis grew the wrong way. Even though i hated my 1st c-section, i loved my baby boy!! and it made every ounce of pain worth while.  when my son was 4 months old i got pregnant again. I was so terrified the entire time. but, the 2nd c-section was a wonderful experience for me. I didn't feel so helpless and out of control the 2nd time. I got to choose the day my baby was born. I came in a 6 am and at 8 15 am i was in my recovery room holding my baby. I wasnt as scared because i knew what to expect. and because I had had a c-section 13 months prior my nerves in my stomach were still pretty numb so the pain was a lot less intense. I had a great experience the 2nd time around and we are trying for our third. Hopefully a girl since we have to boys.:) Goodluck and im sure everything will work out for you. :-)

  14. I had a planned C-section with my first due to blood pressure problems and I'm pregnant with my 2nd. I'm no nervous at all. Maybe because I had such a wonderful birth experience I don't know?  

  15. I had a vaginal birth that sucked (hospital was not very helpful), then 4 years later a c-section due to breech and low fluid. 6 years later I got pregnant again...from the very beginning I wanted a VBAC. My doctor tried really hard to make me do a repeat c-section. I explained my feelings to her...and that I had had complications with my c-section. She warned me of the risks, and I signed a paper stating that I was aware of the risks and still wanted to try a VBAC. She told me that they would not induce/give pitocin so if I went overdue I would have  a c-section. I delivered 2 days overdue, during her vacation, and the covering doc did give me pitocin. I had a long labor and almost had a c-section for failure to progress. In the end the hospital staff was great and helped me have my VBAC. There was a tense time when they thought I may have started to rupture, but they did a pelvic exam and found out that I did not. strangly, my recovery with this delivery was effortless. I could have walked to my postpartum room...I only bled for like 4-5 days...and when my son was 4 days old I took him to a friend's bonfire ( he was a total hit)

  16. I had a C-section for the very same reason. Spent 16 hours in labor and didn't make progress. I've spoken to my OB about it and the hospital we use typically will not try for VBACs. She also said it would stink to try for a vaginal birth and end up in the same boat again. I'm nervous, yes, because we want more children but I suppose I'll decide what to do when that time comes.

    In the end you need to make the decision for yourself. What are going to feel comfortable with doing? You can always TRY for a VBAC and see how things go. Just do your own research and weigh the pros and cons of both. If it's not going to put you or your baby in any medical harm then try for a VBAC if that's what you want.

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