
C-Span Wed 10-3 on Burma?

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Who else has watched this and what did you think were the most constructive ideas? I hope I do not get a lot of flak from me doing what is more of a suggestion than a question.

I urgently suggest that people, seeking constructive solutions to what's going on in Burma / Myanmar, view C-Span repeats of Senate Foreign Relations Subcommitee on what's allegedly being done, and what can be done, and/or get a transcript, then contact your political leaders to support the solutions you approve of.

In this case, there's a lot where we need to read between the lines, and go beyond what came out in the hearing.

Example ... Chevron is supporting the Junta to the tune of $ 2 billion a year which is used to buy military aid from China (this nation of 50 million people has a military with 450,000 soldiers .... it is not a country with a military, it is a military with a country).

The PEOPLE can stop this by choosing which gas pumps not to refuel at.




  1. I'm doing everything I can right now.  What scares me and maybe more than what is occurring in Burma, is the attitude of so many people.  The question below echoes the holocaust (it's not my problem attitudes).;...

  2. Bush really cares for democracy, the goverment is holding its people hostage and we do nothing. This is a crime way greater than anything in the Middle East.

  3. Thanks for letting me know about how chevron and Burma are related. I will go out of my way to buy other gasoline. I really like BP so far. They have invested more in alternative energy than just about any other major gasoline company.

    I have been saying for years to vote with your dollars. It is much more powerful and abundant of a vote than your electoral vote.

    I also advocate not buying anything made from China. On top of the massive human rights abuses they have been imposing on their own people in the form  of political arrests and reeducation, torture, rape, restriction of free speech, genocide committed on minorities (i.e. Tibet), religious persecution (i.e. Falun Gong), colonization, horrid labor practices (i.e. child labor), etc they are the largest financial trade partner and military aid giver of the the Military Junta in Burma.

    If Americans have one weak spot it is that cash is king. When we stop making choices based off of monetary motivation and start making them based off of ethics we might see some very powerful changes take place in the world. American has tremendous power if we only know how to be united and use it wisely.

  4. Al, once again, you are right on the money.  One thing that you may not know is that our military is looking at this situation very closely. The problem here is that we are in a situation where our forces are worn thin.

    I don't care what people think about Iraq and Iran, China seems to be shooting thier own foot off and North Korea seems to be making progress.

    That being said, Osama is still un-accounted for and the violence has tripled in Afganistan. Moreover, the President of Columbia, correct me if I'm wrong, has a controlling interest in Chevron and has vowed to kill us all, as have, just about all the Arab nations that follow Islam.

    These are not blind threats but real intentions. We must be steadfast as a Country and as a people. Here the old addage holds true'" United We Stand, Divided We Fall."  

    There are people and religions that want us off the face of the earth. Thier belief is that we are infidels. Period! End of story.

    If we hit them in the pocketbook, it will make a statement, a very real statement. Show them we are NOT divided, that we love our Country, right or wrong, we support our troops and do not listen to the liberal media about real issues because they are all slanted.

    As for Burma, the situation there is much like it was in the Sudan, a few years ago.  We can not forget the men that died there and the degradation some had to endure. People killing thier brothers and sisters, even the children were murdered. It continues to this day. Much of the world is overcome with greed and inhumanity towards their own kind, their own race.

    How can you fight against that?

    You must kill the killers.  Unfortunately, it remains something that the left fears more than anything. They can't make the right choices to change what needs to be changed.

    I believe this answers your question, if not, at least I had my chance to stand on the soapbox and tell it like I see it.

    Finally, don't be afraid to boycott anyone or anything that you feel is causing you or others harm.

    That's my 2 cents and worth every penny. Rick

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