
C&c cage problems???

by  |  earlier

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I just finished building my new c&c cage yesterday and moved my 4 girls in today.

The cage is in my bedroom but Im considering moving them into the shed. This means that I will hardly see them because of daylight savings and there is no electricity in the shed- but atleast they will be dry.

The reson for this is the smell.

Ive swept their cage out just about every hour today and the smell still hasnt improved.

What should I do?

What do you do?




  1. use vineagar to wash the cage then you can rinse it out and use absorbant bedding like carefresh

  2. You could try some scented bedding.

    Like this stuff:

    It smells really good.

    Maybe the bedding that you are using is not absorbant enough.

    Your hamsters could have wet-tail, which would make your cage very smelly, and it would not go away.
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