i had a c-section on 8/12, on 8/19 i had my staples removed (what a relief!). at that time the incision looked great and my dr placed steri strips over the incision and said they would fall off on their own. within a day all the steri strips had fallen off (i know they are not meant to hold the incision together). i woke up last night/early this morning and the incision felt weird and when i touched it i noticed it was bleeding (not much just a teaspoon or so). i rolled up a white wash cloth and put it over the incision to monitor the bleeding and went back to bed (i didn't want to wake the kids up to go to the er, especially since it wasn't really an emergency).
anyway, i had my husband check the incision today and he says its open about 3/4" or so. i called my drs office and am waiting on a return call.
my questions: will they glue the incision back together, or will they staple again (lord i hope not)? will that be done in office or will i go to the hospital for that? any information would be appreciated. thanks