
C-section on 8/12/08 and incision is?

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starting to separate. its currently 6am, i went to go pee and i noticed my incision felt funny, when i touched it my fingers were wet, and when i looked it was blood. its not open much-- it can't be more than 1/2 an inch if that. and its not bleeding much just a slow ooze, its not pouring blood or anything like that. i rolled up a white wash cloth and put it over the incision just so i can monitor the bleeding and again, its not much, over the past hour or so its probably bled maybe a teaspoon or less. my husband and 2 kids (10 days old and 4 yrs old) are all sleeping. i have no one to leave the kids with or call to come to the house, so i'm going to wait until the drs office opens (unless of course the bleeding gets worse) to call about the incision.

i was wondering is that something that the dr will fix in his office or is it something he will probably send me to the hospital for?





  2. Get to the hospital ASAP!!!!

  3. I don't know if that is normal - your baby is 10 days old? Did the oozing just start ? I would seriously drive myself to the nearest ER just in case. If your husband is home he should be able to manage the kids.

  4. i suggest you get to the ER asap.. dont wait thats not a good thing it could get worse... go now go go go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Do you guys have the equivalent of NHS Direct in the states?  I.E a number you can call that will give you over the phone medical advice as to whether you should be going to hospital based on your symptoms?  If so call them.

    Either way, I don't think this sounds good.  I would wake up your husband and tell him to take you and the kids to hospital and leave you there if necessary whilst he takes them home.

    I'm pretty sure your doctor can't do sutures in his/her office so you would probably have to go to hospital anyway.

  6. phone the hospital. and tell them what you have told us they will be able to tell you better what you should do

  7. When to call a doctor

    After a cesarean section, call your doctor or midwife if:

    You use a new maxi sanitary pad for vaginal bleeding every hour for 4 to 5 hours. (If you have a past vaginal delivery to compare to, you may notice that post-cesarean bleeding is lighter.)

    Your vaginal bleeding seems to be getting heavier or is still bright red 4 days after delivery, or if you pass blood clots larger than the size of a golf ball. You may also have lower abdominal pain.

    You have signs of infection, including fever or increased redness and drainage at the incision site.

    The incision gapes open or starts bleeding.

    You feel dizzy.

    Your calves become painful and/or swollen and red, you have shortness of breath, or you have severe chest pain (these can be signs of a blood clot).

    You have signs of postpartum depression, such as:

    Feelings of despair or hopelessness for more than a few days.

    Troubling or dangerous thoughts or hallucinations.

    Your vaginal discharge smells bad or fishy.

    Your abdomen feels tender or full and hard.

    Your b*****s are painful or red and you have a fever, which are symptoms of both breast engorgement and mastitis. For more information, see the topics Breast Engorgement and Mastitis While Breast-Feeding.

    Some women feel shoulder pain for days after a cesarean section. This is referred pain, caused by trauma to the abdominal muscles during the delivery. It goes away on its own during recovery.

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