
C-section one week ago and....?

by  |  earlier

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i had my staples removed yesterday (my son was born 8/12/08). after removing the staples the dr placed steri-strips over the incision. i was told to let them fall off naturally-- which isn't a problem, except... i was thinking it would be a few days before they fell off, and they have all fallen off today. i can't see the incision to see what it looks like (the dr said it looked great yesterday).

i figure since the strips fell off on their own that it should be fine-- wouldn't ya think? or do you think i should call my dr and let him know they fell off?

once my husband gets home from work i'm going to have him look at the incision to make sure it looks fine, if not then i will call my drs after hours service.




  1. Unless you're a quick healer, a week seems to be fairly quick. Maybe try calling the doc, and asking over the phone if it's ok for them to be off this soon. That way you won't have to go in. Explain to the receptionist that you're unable to make it, unless the doc really needs to see you. She should be able to relay a message, or put you through.

    I don't know if your hubby will know what to look for. I guess just ask him if it's red, swollen, or looks out of the ordinary, and is there any white discharge, etc.

    Are you getting weekly check ups by midwives close to you? They should do that for the first 4 weeks (In Australia). Maybe ask her next time you see her. If you don't have that, you should still be going for weekly check ups with either the hospital you gave birth at or your doc.

  2. Yeah, it's OK; it's been a week. I would wait for your husband to come home from work to look at it but I'm sure it's fine. A week is plenty of time.

  3. If the incision is vertical the incision has more stress on it. if its horizontal it will disappear into a skin fold. IF you areconcerned about appearance call your doc. If the incision is opening see the dr.

  4. When in doubt....check it out. If you are truely concerned than call your doctor. I had a c-section and mine fell out a week later.....and, everything was fine. Your doctor will understand your concerns....that is what he is there for.  

  5. I know I'm not answering your question, since I have never had a c-section, but I just wanted to say congrats your new baby boy and see how you are doing! No wonder you haven't been on Yahoo for awhile!

  6. Call the doctor's office now - not the after hours service which really can't help you (they just take messages and pass them on). It's probably fine, but that's what he gets paid for. You really won't even have to talk to the doc, but his office nurse should have an answer for you.

  7. Ok, first up can I say for the record I don't like staples in c-section wounds.  Dissolving stitches (sutures) are by far and away a better (and more attractive in the long term) option.  In Australia it is very uncommon to use staples.

    But the actual external wound is only the tip of the iceberg with a c-section, and there are more internal stitches.

    It is normal however to remove staples after a week, the steri-strips would only be there as a precaution to support the wound - but they certainly wouldn't hold the wound together if that's what you are assuming.

    As long as the wound doesn't feel too much like it's "pulling", develop a discharge or just plain hurts a lot, you should be okay as long as you don't lift anything heavy.  The heaviest thing you should be lifting right now is your baby.

    But call your doctor if it goes you peace of mind.

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