
C-section question....?

by  |  earlier

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Do you get the same shot thing in your back as when you have a baby vaginally?? lol. sorry if I'm not making any since. I'm just scared cause I was watching it on the TV bout c sections and I saw the shot they gave and it was HUGE!! Well one more question, how bad does it hurt??




  1. Yes, it's the same shot.  It's called an epidural.  I personally had a walking epidural (numbs you from the waste down) for two of my girls when they were born.  But there is an epidural that they give that will number your entire body - it's not used often.

    It didn't hurt me at all.  I was more worried about sitting still during the contractions while they stuck the needle in.  I had a minor headache afterwards (probably because I was drugged).

  2. it doesnt hurt really...the pain u see on tv is usually the woman having contractions while hes putting in the feels like a little prick because they also numb the area in ur back so u dont even feel the catheder going in ur spine...feels like a shot, then u get a warm feeling in ur legs and then numbing in ur toes and legs and up....its not the same as a vaginal though because in a c-section ur numb from the waist down, vaginal births u gotta be able to feel pressure and move ur legs and stuff...i was worried about having a c-section but its wierd to say it was quite nice...

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