
C-section question?

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Last apoinment was last week. They said that my baby is breeched. I am now 35 weeks along. I am trying to get her to turn by myself. I dont want the doctors to turn her because of all the risk involved. Since I am not wanting the doctors to turn my baby will the schedual a c-setion for me just incase she doesnt turn or will they wait and see until the last minute? My next apointment with my midwife is next week so I will hopefully find out then.




  1. I would wait until it is a last option to get a c-section. They make you feel like your guts are about to fall out every time you stand for a longtime after and leave nasty scars. You should ask to see if there are ways to help the baby turn itself naturally to lessen the risk, however dont wait until the last second to find out if your baby has or has not turned because it can be very dangerous

    best of luck!

  2. There is a good chance that the baby won't turn.  Every day that passes your baby gets larger and less likely to turn.  They told me that mine wouldn't turn after 30 weeks, my c-section was scheduled by that time.  

    There is still a very small chance that the baby will turn, but it is so small that most doctors won't count on it.

    They checked mine right before I went into surgery just in case she had turned, but she didn't.

  3. I still didnt find a question hun....

    My 3rd baby was breech...and i never had him turned either..i ended up with the 38weeks.....glad I had the csection to..when he was born we found out why he couldnt turn..he had a huge head..would have ripped me and new one..hehehe....

    Wish you the best....

  4. It depends on your doctor and the position of your child in breech.  Certain breech presentations are more favorable for vaginal delivery than others.  Some doctors will not perform vaginal delivery on ANY breech presentation, while others will try if the mother is willing and the presentation is favorable.  

    I personally would not be quick to rush into a caesarean section if I had the choice.  It is major surgery and the recovery is long and painful......and you are caring for an infant and don't have time to take care of yourself and your pain.

    My first child ended in caesarean section after 36 hours of labor.  I would have labored longer to try to get my son out if I had known how terrible recovery from c-section would be.  I don't even want to talk about the terrible scar and lump that I have formed from scar tissue.

  5. It is possible for the baby to reverse her position;

    I may have been lucky but I read about doing this in a book:

    You can help her turn by laying flat on the floor with your hips elevated on a pillow; I did this in my 7th month-

    my daughter was breech and she turned.
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