
C section...tubal.... post partum.... questions....

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I have quite a few questions.... I had twins almost 2 weeks ago... they were born via C section.... I am hoping someone can answer some of my questions....

Please star my question too so that I can get a lot of answers.....

~Is pain in the kidney / side area of your back normal? How the heck can you sleep with this aching pain?

~I only feel like a pulling or stinging sensation in the incision area. I think it is just the healing, but would like other opinions

~I am having swelling in my left leg only... it doesn't seem to want to go away... Is this normal? What can I do about it?




  1. OMG TIFFF I AM SORRYYYY!!!! I have been SOO out of it.  I KNEW you were going to have them. ::hugs:: I am soooo happy for you that you are okay.  I have secretly wanted to destroy someone else that you know who that you live with but, :)

    YEs I heard that the pain in the kidney can be normal at times but it depends on the intensity of the pain. I would make sure you ask your obgyn for that incase if there were any damage done in the process.  

    You are going to feel the stinging sensations.  Let it breathe. Many people say that you can put ointments on it, i am sure in most cases you can but you really shouldn't.  But walk.  I know you have your eldest son to walk after, excersize. It will be better for you in the end for the pain and the healing.

    The swelling in your leg i never heard of.  Go see your physican about that because that can be a sign of a clott or even blockage.   Hugs and love, Tiff.

  2. Congrats on your twinsa.  I hope they are doing well.  I too, had twins delivered by csection so I can safely answer your questions.

    1- The pain in your lower back is most likely due to the pain in your incision area.  See, with me, I was so afraid to move because of the insicion, that I was not sitting, standing, laying, or walking properly.. therefore, causing your back to ache.  Also, make sure you are drinking lots of water...  Being a mommy of twins, we sometimes forget tot ake care of ourselves.

    2- The pulling and stinging sensation is normal.  It is part of the healing process.  It will get better with time but you'll always feel a weird numbness in the incison area,

    3- I was swollen for some time after the delivery.  I beleive it took me like 3-4 weeks to return to normal.  Like I said before, drink your water to help flush it all out of you.  If you are still concerned, mention it to your Dr.

    I know its hard to be a Mommy of newborn twins.. but it will get easier..  the first 3 months are rocky but you can do it..

  3. Immediately after my c i swelled like crazy but after 1 week i was back to normal, the swelling dissapeared and i felt amazing!

  4. none of this is normal and should be checked by a doctor

  5. First of all -- I would make sure you talk to your dr about the pain/swelling.  

    But secondly - yes I have seen other people with this kind of pain and swelling.  It does sound like your incision is healing.  But since we can't assess you thru a computer, a follow up with your doctor is due!

    Congrats on your twins!

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