
C-section worries? twin pregnancy?

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Hello all i am 33 weeks pregnant with twins (fraternal boy/girl) my consultant has told me that it would be best if i have a c-section as the little girl is breech and there is very little room to move. He wants to see me in 3 weeks from my last appointment which will make me 36+ weeks pregnant. Will this be when he discusses dates?? What happens if my waters break before my next appointment? Surely i should have a visit before 36 weeks as he has told me i will only go to a maximum of 38 weeks?

Any advice/experience welcomed.

Thanks xx




  1. Don't worry a bit! C-section is actually more comfortable for you and the babies. It may hurt you a bit for the first week, but that's all. Do visit your doctor earlier and ask him all the queastions you have. If your water breaks earlier, of course, you'll call him immediately, go to the hospital and they'll do the C'section at that moment.

  2. If you happen to go into labour before the scheduled c-section date, they will still deliver you via c-section... just ahead of schedule.

    I'm sure your next appointment will discuss these questions... be sure to ask them!!

  3. from my understanding, if you go into labor beforehand, you will still have a c-section. I was worried about the same thing, as I had a scheduled c-section due to placenta previa, and worried about going into labor beforehand. (I didn't thankfully) And in regards to the c-section, my recovery has been fantastic! I honestly wouldn't do it any other way. Just get moving asap after surgery. I did and I was back to myself in 4-5 days. Good Luck!

  4. If you do not want a c-section I would check out the spinning babies website. It can help you to turn your breech baby. You could also deliver the boy vaginally and then have the girl by c-section. If your water breaks before the scheduled section, you would just go into the hospital and they would do it right away. He will probably discuss dates at that time. Is he willing to do a breech vaginal birth?  

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