
CA requiring homeschoolers to have teaching credentials?

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What do you think of the CA ruling that requires parents to have teaching credentials to home school their children?




  1. I think its great there are so many children that don't want to go to school . I think the parents feel they do it to keep them out of trouble with the law, stand your guard now and make them go or let the court handle it and they will see they have an education. They will respect you for it when there older.

  2. It is a sign of the times and a harbinger of where we are heading as a nation.

    Take a look at the Declaration of Independence and see how many of our original complaints against the Crown are just as valid or more so today against our current largely corrupt government.

    ***UPDATE: And, I am talking about both sides of the aisle.

    ***UPDATE: Don't ya just love it when someone comes through and just gives everyone a thumbs down?!?

  3. I think it's great!!!

  4. I think it's great! We have too many idiots keeping their kids home and not knowing HOW to teach them. It affects their abilities in college or worse, they can't get into college. I've seen it. Why would anyone think that they are qualified to be teachers without credentials?

  5. The judges ruling is wrong.  Hopefully the CA Supreme Court will use their intelligence and great wisdom to see through the bogusness of the Appeals Court panel.  The family that they attacked needs to be released from the stupidity of the decision.  They are not even allowed to maintain contact with the umbrella school that they worked under.  

    The Governor of CA has made a statement supporting the efforts of home-school parents.

    Quote from news-sources:  

    Schwarzenegger denounced a state appeals court ruling that severely restricts homeschooling and promised Friday to change the law if necessary to guarantee that parents are able to educate their children at home.

    "Every California child deserves a quality education, and parents should have the right to decide what's best for their children," Schwarzenegger said in response to the ruling, which said children educated at home must be taught by a credentialed teacher.

    "Parents should not be penalized for acting in the best interests of their children's education," Schwarzenegger said. "This outrageous ruling must be overturned by the courts, and if the courts don't protect parents' rights then, as elected officials, we will."

    State Education Secretary David Long, a Schwarzenegger appointee, said that meant the governor supported allowing parents without teaching credentials to educate their children.

    "The governor sees this as a fundamental right of parental choice," he said.

    We can all thank him for taking this stand on behalf of home-schools -----  .


    We do not home-school to avoid issues with "the law".  Our children are being raised in good homes free from vice.  They are being trained to respect authority and many of them actually become authority -- policemen, veterinarians, ministers, judges, lawyers, doctors, etc....  We home-school to help them learn to the best of their ability without all of the distractions that are prevalent in the public system.

  6. An infringement on the rights of citizens, especially given the "credentials" that far too many teachers currently have.

  7. The law has not changed.  This was one court's ruling on one case.

    How about rewording the question: why should parents be required to have certification in traffic control to teach their children?

    That's what a teaching credential is, after all.

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