

by Guest60003  |  earlier

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Hi! Guys i am buying a CAG and i am 12 years u guys recommend it to me? As i will be in school from to 3p.m ..and is willing to spend time with it..will it feather pluck due to lack of concern and attention?




  1. They do need a lot of attention and care that in my opinion a 12 year old cannot cope with, or they may develop all sorts of problems. So unless your parents are willing to care for the bird, don't do the "I'll be taking care of him" deal, it's not fair for the bird, you may end up killing it.

  2. Hi Nick... you've been asking about a gray almost daily and we all understand your enthusiasm but several people have suggested that a gray is probably not the best bird for you.  Take a moment to think about why that might be... Do they not want you to have a gray because they are jealous or because years of experience tell them that a gray is an emotionally demanding bird and won't do well in the care of someone in your shoes.  Spare the poor bird being locked in a cage for long hours... As you get older, you will have even less time than you have now.  

    There was a young man a few weeks ago who kept asking about caging his birds together and was warned against it.  In the end, he decided not to heed to the advice he was given (after he asked for it) and one of his birds was severely injured.  Please, if you ask for advice, take it.  If you aren't going to take it, don't bother asking.

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