
CALLING ALL BOARDING SCHOOL PEOPLE. question needing answering?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, im about to go to a full 7 days a week boarding school. Im taking my laptop but sites like facebook, hotmail, yahoo, youtube, will be blocked.. And it will kill me not being able to get on these sites.

Does anyone know if you can

a) use proxy sites without it being recorded

b) download a new internet browser and then no sites will be blocked

c) any other ways to get around site blocking would be appreciated!





  1. You can try all these things -- one or more of them may work. But you might find it easier to go to any public library, restaurant with wireless access, or internet cafe nearby and access your sites there with your laptop.  That may be harder or easier depending on the location of your school.  Good luck.

  2. Use a different proxy each day. Since Proxies get blocked so fast, The best thing to do is join this Yahoo Group and you will get 2 or 3 New unblocked Proxies emailed to you each day. That way there is no need to search online or post questions here! Check it out:

    Just click this link, enter your email address, then you will get a confirmation email, and voila! You will begin getting new proxies once per day sent right to your inbox.

  3. I'm not a boarding school person, but I do know thaty adults are stupid. If there are no ways to get onto THOSE sites, there are tons of others that are similar, that WONT be blocked...find one you like, make a new profile, and get your friends to do the same...also, tons of kids at the school will probably know how to get around it!!

    last resort:

    you could always text!!

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