
CALLING ALL TEACHERS: I did a terrible thing and im in grade 9?

by Guest63702  |  earlier

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i am a gr8 student and my teacher knows that

okay so i let this girl who i am not even friends with copy my hw for a core class. im in grade 9. i figured out that my teacher collected it and counted it as a grade. should i email my teacher saying that i let her copy my hw, and im letting some1 copy my hw for the first time, but i wouldnt have done it had i known it was counted as a quiz, or should i just hope that she doesnt notice and wait. and if she does notice and i dont tell her, what should i say?





  1. You ******* loser. Get over it it's one homework. I Hate people like you.

  2. You should definitely tell your teacher.  If you didn't mean to cheat, just tell her that.  If you knew you were cheating, it's still better to confess.  You will feel better and your teacher should respect your honesty.  Also, there is nothing wrong with "telling," especially if the other student was purposefully cheating, but you don't HAVE to tell the identity of the other student.  Honestly though, as an English teacher I could tell who was copying even out of 135 different papers.  If your teacher reads the homework, she will notice and then you will really be in trouble.  Better to go before she catches you.

    Do the right thing and tell your teacher.  You will feel better!

  3. Just let it be bud - you sending her an email is going to label you as the "snitch" - just play it off ... and learn a lesson this time.  When it all comes down to it 1 grade isnt going to make or break anyone's a+ or b- ... just let it go and dont do it again.

  4. I'm in college now and never had much experience with copying homework. I always did it myself. There have been times when i've worked with other students in my major together on assignments that were to be done separately. My advice for the future is if you decide to let someone copy your homework, tell them to move things around a bit and not to copy it verbatim. (word for word). Without knowing your teacher personally, its hard to say what the best next step is. Is the person who copied it a good friend? If you came forward and said you let someone copy your work, I can't see you getting in much trouble, but you're ratting out someone else. Thats up to you.

  5. The trouble with telling your teacher is that you seem to be tattling on someone else. The problem with not telling your teacher what you did is that the other student (if caught) can say YOU copied THEM. What sounds worse to you? Having your teacher know that you messed up and let someone copy your work or having your teacher think you are a cheater? Personally, I'd go for telling to cover my own butt....If possible, I'd let her know I'd let someone copy me but I didn't want to tell who because I didn't want them in trouble too. Then I'd ask the teacher what they wanted me to do.

    Maybe the teacher will have everyone re-do the assignment so you don't have to rat anybody out---and maybe the teacher is smart enough (or the copier dumb enough) that they figure out who it was on their own...Either way, it's safer to seem like a rat and stay honest than trap yourself by remaining dishonest. I'd still rather have to re-do the assignment myself as punishment and have a clear conscience than to have this hanging over my head.

    I wish you luck with your decision.

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