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ok whenever i wash my hair,it doesnt straighten properly and iv to wait at least 2 days before i can get it looking nice becasue its "too clean"...i know that sounds strange....

Any ideas on how to keep my side fringe just in place and not sticking up:(:(:(...





  1. try anti-frizz shampoo or frizz-ease straightening spray as it should stop your hair being flyaway especially when your straighteing it although the reason it does it is probably if you straighten it too much. a heat protection serum might help prevent this.

  2. Try using Pomade or some sort of gel that would help you get it straight. You can also use hair spray to give it extra hold.  

  3. Buy Sunsilk Silky & Straight Shampoo & Conditioner. I use it and it makes your hair go really thin and it's also good if you straighten your hair alot.

  4. wash your hair the night before, sleep on it and then it will be easier to style, as it will be not as clean before and ruffed up a bit from sleeping..

    my hair used to be like this.. or dont use conditioner?

    hope this helps  

  5. Dont straighten your fringe..thats why it would stick up. thats what mine does if i straighten it..just blow dry it to the side.

  6. i guess some kind ok gel or wax u can put on after u wash ur hair

  7. it sounds weird but putting a really small drop of lotion on it helps..

  8. Try changing your shampoo, using a straighner, or using gel. byeeex3  

  9. conditioner keeps it smooth and silky whereas shampoo gives it volume and makes hair puffy, so conditioning your hair more often could help you

  10. Mine too - I wash it every other day - then for that first day of washing there is actually a product called 2nd day hair and I use it on my bangs then flat iron... also glossing and smoothing cremes help a lot.

  11. Heii,

    Yeah that is not uncommon. Sometimes it's as simple as just changing the shampoo & conditioner that you use to something different. For me, it stopped the straightening problem. Ok, second. I also have a side fringe & it does the exact same thing!! it's SO annoying!! The best thing to do is to get some firm hold, FLEXIBLE gel or wax that still lets you have shine so it's not stiff or hard or unclean looking. Your other option if you can't find or are not able to get a product for whatever reason, the next best thing to do is to wet your sidefringe and style is normally, the water will dry and it will stay in place but it will be product free and also it stays straight but it adds a little more 'bounce' to define the fringe. Hope this helped.

    X kath  

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