
CALLs from the JAIL???

by  |  earlier

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my brother is in jail an we dont live in the same state he's in so he cant call me, but my cell from iz from his how can i get a block on my cell phone so he can call me....... help please!!




  1. You cant.   Inmates cannot call a cell phone due to the call being collect. There is no way for the jail/office of collecting funds from cell phone providers.  It does not matter what state you live in...Inmates can call anywhere as long as there is not a collect call block on your landline.

  2. You can only get collect calls via a landline. You have to have him call someone with a landline, then have that person 3way you in the call.

  3. People from jail can't call cell phones cause it's too easy to orchestrate an escape attempt or to attempt to sneak drugs in to the jail by stuffing them in a tennis ball and throwing it over the fence or other means.

  4. You can't call collect on a cell phone !!

  5. most telephone providers block collect calls from jails. you will need to contact your telephone carrier to remove the block, and set up an account...

  6. Typically only collect calls can be made from inside a jail. Some Jails do offer calling calls that the inmates can buy to make calls. Check with your brothers commissary as to what might work best for you and him. These Days most jails have their inmate telephone services provided by a third party provider.

  7. Call you operator.  what is iz.

  8. only collect calls are allowed from jail, he will have to call you on a land line.

  9. call the phone company

  10. call the phone company that runs the jail phones and block the calls that way.Good Luck.
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