

by Guest45248  |  earlier

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i have been trying to conceive for 3 months.

My period is now 5 days late, I took 2 DISCOVER pregnancy tests on the weekend both with extremely faint positive lines only visible in certain kinds of light, negative in a different brand, and the doctors urine test said negative, i had some very light bleeding today and took another test with the same very faint line, am I pregnant?




  1. however faint the positive line its a positive . the line with my last bubs was so faint you could hardly see it but i was preg

    congrats your gonna be a mummy

  2. the tests say that any kind of line is a positive result

  3. all pregnancy tests measure different  amounts of hcg apparently the ones in the doctors office often don't test very low amounts so if it were  very early it wouldn't show yet. A faint positive is a positive my tests were very sensitive and they showed faint for about a week then started getting stronger good luck lots of baby dust

  4. A faint line is a positive result.... however..... if the line isn't getting stronger every two days there is a possibility you may have miscarried. This happened to me three times. I would go back to your doctor and get them to do a blood test. A blood test is the most reliable way of detecting pregnancy. If the pregnancy has failed, they may need to investigate further. Hopefully this hasn't happened to you and the line on your test will get stronger and stronger indicating a healthy pregnancy. Good luck!

  5. I would go and ask your doctor for a blood test to be 100% sure.  Either that or wait for a few more days if still no signs of a 'true' period take another test.  Good Luck !

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