

by  |  earlier

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We were together for 9 months. I fell in love with him really fast. he's so amazing and I never met anyone like him. He's so different from all the little boys at school. He was smart and acted his age. We have so much in common. Everyday he told me he cared for me and though I was a wonderful person. All of a sudden he stopped talking to me. I did not hear from him for 2 weeks. I sent him emails and called him. He never called me back. Yesterday he broke up with me. I don't understand. What the heck happened? I love him sooooooooo much. He's my first boyfriend. He told me he would always be there for me. I thought he was the one. Please don't be mean I'm really hurt. Why am I taking it so hard? I really do love him. He won't even call me back. I'm 18 he's 20




  1. its rough i know... the worst thing you can do is think about it.. go have yourself some fun. If you are 18, chances are you have your license, why dont you drive to his house and see whats up? o btw he sounds like a real douch bag

  2. I'm sorry to hear this...... maybe someone said something mean about you and he believed it, the best thing you could do is go over to him in person and talk to him. Tell him how much he means to you and how much you miss him and then ask him why did he break up with you.? I hope this helped you....... :)...... Hope you feel better soon. Oh and if hes answer is something like "...I don't love you anymore..." hes a jerk and not worth it.... but just have faith and hope it will be ok...  : )

    xx paw.prints98

  3. Well, if he won't explain and won't agree to talk then i don't think there's much to do.

    But look, at least you've experienced love, i'm 18 and never had a girlfriend. Maybe having one is better than not having one at all.

    Hang in there, time will heal (i know you heard it a lot but it's true)

  4. it hard to deal with situations like this but im sure a strong person maybe he found someone new you never know with men there confusing but just know this NO MAN IS WORTH YOUR TEARS AND THE ONE WHO IS WILL NEVER MAKE YOU CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. the next time you see him

    ask him


  6. I've had a similar situation. There is the possibility that he found sombody else. thats what happened to me....

    Maybe for now you should do the things that make you the happiest!

    and there is always the chance that he will call today or the next to talk it over.

    For now just chill out and maybe try to find things that will take your mind off of him. If that doesnt work call a friend and call in the reinforcements

  7. If only or firsts always worked out.  Its always hard but if yall cant work it out ur only 18.  U'll be aight.  Not like id say much different if u were older than 18 but i mean really... ur only 18 u'll be a heartbreaker urself soon enuf

  8. Hi Sweetie,  

    The pain you have is very very awful.  It consumes your life.  Right now you feel like you can't do anything.  You just want to sleep and you don't even want to think about another guy.  

    In time, this pain will go away.  I know it doesn't feel like it now, but it will.  

    Do you have anyone in your life that passed away?  Remember the pain you had at the time?  Is your pain the same now as it was then?  No, I'm sure it isn't.  

    I don't understand why he did this.  Sometimes people aren't who you think they are or how they want you to think they are.  It sounds to me like he may have had another girl come by or maybe he just wasn't totally attracted to you as much as you were to him.  You might not have heard from him for 2 weeks because he didn't know how to tell you.  He must have cared about you.

    Dating is hard and there may be a lot of heart breaks.  They are all very painful.  

    Just remember one thing.  Everything happens for a reason.  Trust God, he knows what hes doing.

    You'll be fine.  

    Good Luck

  9. he went to a strip bar...yup.

  10. Aw I feel for you. I am a little younger but I suffered a similar breakup. I wish I could answer that question. Maybe he's going through a tough time. Maybe he's having some problems. Maybe you should talk to him. :/

  11. omg, its like one of those love stories where like you break up then ya get toferther again =D if u o somethin about it and tell him how u feel and stuff jus talk to him! but if u dont get together again u can also jus be friends 2 =) good luck with ur lov life!=D

  12. =( It's going to take time.

    I was exactly where you were 3 months ago. I had met someone and we were very close for 7 months. The 7 best months of my life. It all ended in silence and an eventual "I'm sorry, but it's over."

    There's unfortunately nothing you can do to help yourself get over it, despite what people say... Many people in your life will try to distract it from you, tell you to get it off your mind. Well, that's just not going to happen. You're GOING to think about it, while trying to have fun, and then you're going to have a miserable time...

    I'd suggest you sit at home in your bed and just cry for a few hours... I mean, really it sounds stupid and non-productive, however, your body needs time to accept what's happened and to heal. There's no better place to think and heal than in the comfort of our own bed.

    I hope your post-relationship experience is nowhere near as bad as it was for me. Best of luck!


  13. You are probably extremely hurt because it's the first time your heart has been broken. It never gets easier but after it happens more than once you are at least somewhat used to it.

    You are simply dealing with your first heart break. It will pass and you will find someone else.

    We like you too! :]

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