

by  |  earlier

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I am a 61 year old man (even though I don't look 61, I cerrtainly don't look under 21), the man at the door of the bar asked me for a photo id. I asked why do I need to show one, he said in case something happened to me, they would know who I was. As I went to take out my id I gave a chuckle and said that is the most absurd reason I ever heard. AT that point the guy at the door told me to go elsewhere,.

My friends were in the bar and they came out and brought the manager of the bar. The result was that the manager said if I didn't apologize to the door man I would be banned for life from that bar.

I want to know if that is a violation of my constitutional right to privacy, since I am obviously over 21, there is no reason to show a photo id, especially today with so much id theft.




  1. its actually the law to have your ID no matter what age, and they have the right to refuse service to anyone. best bet is to find another bar, or apologize.

  2. I am in Ohio and I went to a bar with friends who were " obviously " much over 21.  The door man wanted ID's from all of us.  One asked, and was told it was a state law that " all " be carded.  My friend did not smart off and there were no additional problems.

  3. While any establishment has the right to refuse service to anyone, you might have a case. When the doorman gave you his answer "In case something happend to me, they would know who I was" this was totally unbelievable.

    How often do you go there? Are you a regular? If you are a regular (obviously you are not) then they would know you on sight. If not, looking at an ID for approximately 15 seconds, to ascertain if the person is of legal drinking age, would not result in someone remembering your identity.

    I would suggest you contact the local Equal Oppurtunity ombudsman. This may be a case of age discrimination.

  4. Yeah they can refuse to serve anyone they want. Some clubs state on their website/flyers that they reserve the right to turn down large groups of lads even if they have tickets/id.

  5. I would say it is more discrimination than anything. I would consult a lawyer. First consultations are usually free to find out if you have a case or not. As long as you showed it to him I would say you wee good to go.  I have been through that before too. And I made a comment similar. and then I went into the bar. They were checking id's for their stupid smoking laws. I have no problem with it though as it is not the id checker's fault , it is the lawmakers fault. Was it a form of maybe racial discrimination? I saw that down in Texas many years ago. My friend and I were in this line to go into a bar. I saw they had a clipbaord and were checking names. When the blacks got to them , sorry yer names not on the list. When we got there and stated our name, yea go on in. VERY UNFAIR , but was a sign of the times then.

    Good Luck!!!!!

  6. they can deny someone entry to their bar for any reason at all, or no reason actually.  You have no constitutional right to access to their establishment, so no, they didn't violate any of your rights by asking for a photo ID

  7. Yes they can. You have to have ID on you proving you are over 21 especially if you are in a bar.  If you dont like their way of doing business then simply go somewhere else. It is not a violation of your right to privacy as they are not using your ID for anything but proof of age. They can get into trouble with the liquor commission if they dont card everyone. Called covering your azz.

  8. Well legally the person has to let you in if your over 21- but, you need to proove it... I know you probably look well over 21, it is just some places policy to get the ID to help prevent problems, like people drinking and running away without paying the tab... things like that... I wouldt worry about it to much... Stay away from that bar, sit home and enjoy a good cold pack of top shelf beer, or open your own little bar somehwre... like in your lving room!

    Good luck.... dont support buisnesses that dont value your patronage...

  9. They sound like a bunch of a$sholes. You should tell them that they won't be getting any more business from you and your friends and family.

    In most places, private venues like bars exercise a lot of discretion about who they let in and who they don't. Legally I don't think they even have to give a reason.  

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