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  1. yep!! say thanks to america for letting it all happen. X(

  2. No... there is no connection between climate change and the ionosphere

  3. Yes, and a Special Thanks to U.S.A.!!

    You will destroy the world!

  4. its not an imperpetual myth made to control big companies it really is happening (that's just a benefit for the government) try watching an inconvinient truth it explains it that and its hot as h**l here and no rain in july?!? whats up with that?? it can and will if we dont stop it. such a cruel race we humans are , how far will we go before we end our own era .......

    dont get down coz of me im just letting it out

  5. No!  There is NO scientific connection between the effects of AGW ,and the ionosphere.

  6. Well of course not. Ionosphere contains ions which are electrically charge particles in the atmosphere. And ionosphere is not included in mesosphere (where O3 is found). One of the reasons why we have global warming is because of Carbon Dioxide and CFC which destroys the ozone. O3 becomes O2 then to O because the chlorine present in the CFC breaks down the bonds between the three O.

    but you know guys, ozone can fix itself but it would take long period of time of course and how can ozone fix itself if it is or we are destroying itself now?

  7. First Global Warming is not there just like the green house gas is not there.

  8. no scientist has ever been able to prove global warming is in any way caused by fact they have always been closer to proving the exact the past there have been many changes in the earths temperature not least the ice age.was there lots of cars and things to blame then.NO,however it still happened.we are in the process of a natural occurrence.and yes the earths seasons are changing and scientists have proved that what causes this is the way the earth spins on its Axis,every year the earth moves a tiny bit as it spins and so what happens is the parts of the earth that are closest to the sun are slowly moving away from it and the parts furthest away are becoming is just basic astronomy. befor giving me a thumbs down spend 30 mins researching what i have said and you will see it true.

  9. No; Global warming as an Armageddon event is a scam.

  10. yes!!! global warming expalins the flooding in the philippines, the earthquakes in burma and china, and even the earthquake in  london...

    the earths atmosphere is being destroyed because we leave too much carbon dioxide to destroy the worlds atmosphere...if we dont recyle things the world will end sooner than we think..

    AND people face it!!! the world will end..=] if we dont do something about it

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