

by Guest56227  |  earlier

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I have a 28day cycle and my last period was on 7/23 and my next period is due aug 20 i had s*x on the aug10th & my hubby ejaculated in me. i know by the 10th was pass ovulation according to the ovul.calculator off one of the websites but since last week i been having cramping in my lower abdomen and usually my period would be on the day before but its been spotting since monday yesterday 8/18. could i be pregnant or time for my period. we also had s*x on 8/18 but he pulled it out




  1. you could still be pregnant I would test a few days after your missed period. I know you can get tests nowadays that say it is possible to test before your period is due, but if you want an accurate reading i'd say its always best to wait until after. Although i say a few days after (as usually there is enough hormone in your urine by that point for most women) i've been pregnant twice, and both times tested at 3 days late and had a negative result, a test again at 7 days late for both came up with a strong positive. I haven't heard of a women testing after 7-10 days late (with a normal pregnancy) and having a false negative so after this time. Oh, and always use your first wee of the day!

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