July fourth my bf went in me without a condom. He only went in once and i made him go out of me (like literally in me once), however he did have pre-***..i did take pregnancy tests and i was all negative. When he told me to go get a test that is when i started panicking and when i went to research that's when all the symptoms happened. i took 7 pregnancy test before my period, however i did get my period on time it was lighter than usual but it lasted 5 days and my regular period usually last 6 or 7 days. i waited a day or two to test again and it turned out negative but i still feel that i am. Sometime i feel that i have the symptoms. Wouldn't i know by now because it has be 5 weeks and 2 days?
I have gas but i still go bathroom like a lot during the week....and i have pain in my abdominal area and my back, also my ribs?
my stomach looks bigger like the abdominal....can it just be me??
my tests are negative.....can my stomach already be getting big?
i went to planned parenthood a while ago and they said i CANT be pregnant and than i got my period but it was shorter but like a day or two short it was not too heavy but alot of blood came out...! my abdomins hurt occasionally!!!! its been 6 weeks now.....should i know by now?
i feeel like im getting bigger
i weigh 115 and 116 but like im ecoming 117 is this a sign of me getting big