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I have this realllllllllllllllly mean sister in law who follows EVERYTHING I do in life from jobs to cars to everything else and I am sooooo tired of it. She doesnt do it because she looks up to me... she does it to prove that she can do better than me and I know I shouldnt let it bother me but Ive been letting it go for too long now. She is applying at the same bank I worked at that I hated and couldnt handle. Shes applying there and has an interview tomorrow and this is the sixth job she has had that I have had now. She is soooooo OBSESSED with getting this job and I really dont want her to work there because I feel like shes stealing a part of my life... I know its weird but thats just the way it is.... sooooooooooooo I was thinking of emailing the bank manager and saying BE CAREFUL OF (HER NAME) and thats all. I will have a fake email and everything. Do you think I can get in trouble for that? Or do you have any other ideas???? THANKS




  1. Well more than likely it wouldn't be taken seriously and all e-mail can be I would think twice about that one...Is there a way to make her way late for her appointment or something without being illegal about it?

  2. I can sense your anger and I think you have reason to be bothered.  Is she really that good because if she had to follow you...she probably isn't. She obviously can't stand on her own and do her own thing.  Maybe you should tell her to her face what you think about her.  Just get it out in the open, so you don't have to bottle it up.  I don't know about the email thing because it might backfire and I would hate for something to happen to you over her silliness.  Maybe killing her with kindness will send her the message that you don't care and are not bothered.   You should call her and say "Hey I hope you enjoy that interview tomorrow!" That would surprise her and leave her a bit confused, if she is used to you getting all uptight about new things she tries to copy.  

  3. there are a lot of strange sister in laws out there- but you be the better one- and ignore what she is doing the best you can unless she is doing something against the law--hopefully this will prove to her that you are a strong, mature woman and she will get bored and STOP DOING these immature things. Good luck...and take the advice.....e mailing them will only somehow come back to bite you..... I know it's tempting...but be the better me.

  4. You might want to reconsider doing something like that email.  I'm not sure about the legality of it but also, that is something that could come back and bite YOU in the behind!  I know it's hard with her "competing" with you.  Maybe you just need to ignore her.  Sounds like she definitely knows it upsets you and therefore she does it more.  She is probably jealous of you and secretly admires you.  Try to look at it from more than one angle before reacting.  I hope things get better for you soon and remember, we are each responsible for our own happiness and well being.  May God bless and keep you.


    Why can't she work there????!!!!  You are so weird!!!   There's nothing wrong with that she wants to do.

    And do you really think your husband wants to hear about you hating his sister???!!!!

    You need to chill, girl!!

  6. So you'd go so far as to send an e-mail about her to a bank that you say you hated working at. So who's obsessed?

    If it were me, I would be hoping that she gets the job there. If it's such a rotten place to work, then wouldn't that get you what you want?

    She can't get in your life unless you give her that power, & letting her bother you so much is giving her that power.

  7. You probably would not get in legal trouble, although if your inlaw wanted to really push it you could really be hassled over it, but it just would not be a wise thing to do.  

  8. i doubt they will trace it, but i would put more sustenance in you email, tell them that she has a sporadic work history, and to really check her references.

  9. I would not her stoop to her level.  Hurting her might affect your relationship with your husband. I think that you should just sit back and watch and let her do as she pleases.  She's not worth it. Be better than her and just sit back and watch and just remember "what goes around comes around".

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