

by  |  earlier

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I want to join the UK Army, But when i was in school, i had slight ADHD and took medication, but i have been free of meds for 2years, and been to the doctor and they said ive seemed to grown out of it,

Can i still join, even if iven been free from medication for 2 years and not 3????

Someone Please HELP me i need an answer!!!




  1. haha ... listen dude , i've had ADHD from a young age , i'm 18 and i'm serving in the British Army , they loved the fact i had ADHD all my energy went into being a good soilder. I get a buzz from this....

    They wil support you in everyway , and to be honest to the earlier comments i'm very annoyed that anyone would think that having ADHD would hinder your performance during an intense battle or firefight. Try learning about ADHD children first before commenting please.

    To state the facts:
    We love to have a structure and know what is going on- The army offers this

    We would most certainly buzz from the adrenaline of the intense situations which are faced in the army

    If you think when your on an excersise or operation over seas like iraq. I think your ignorance is funny, if you can honestly believe an ADHD person wouldn't be concentrating... If you think you may die , and ur heart is pounding , i'm sure any man would concentrate during a time like that. All i can say is that my ADHD fuels me , and makes me a better soilder then other men without ADHD are. I'm current serving at the age of 19 as a british officer...  My ADHD has for once in my life been positive,

    And too really sum it up , The army actually love people with ADHD... :-)

    u have too be clean from medication for 2 years...

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