
CAN PIGS FLYY!??!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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Today, when i was hanging the clothes on the line, i looked up and didn't think anything of it at first, but i suddenly realised it WAS A PIG FLYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT HAS WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i knew that poeple used the phrase "when pigs fly" so i was just wondering if they could because i swear i saw one today I AM DEFINATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. I am sorry but i don't think pigs can fly. It could have been a balloon, your imagination, well actually it could be many things. But i doubt it was a pig flying, hope you figure out what that was.

    Good luck!

  2. In soviet russia, pigs fly you

  3. Are you high?

  4. Sure you have irrefutable proof of this right?

    No?  You're high or being a smart alec?  What a shame!

  5. yeah, drink some beers then throw them out of a plane; you'll see them flying


  6. It can not b

  7. mmm... let mw see now... where sleeping when you saw this ?!

  8. no way man everyone knows that pigs can not fly and those stuff are just make believe what fol would believe in that baloney and that is preposterous okay then tell to yourself your crazy or that could either be a pig sculpture and just has wings stuck to it and been tied to a piece of string

  9. Thought it only happens in virtual relity.

    P.S.: Maybe send me some of your drugs you're on :)

  10. are you on lsd?  acid?  crank, and ya been up for a week?  which is it?  lol.  that's a good one.  i guess they should make up a prankster category.

  11. now thats amazing
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