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i know some hairspry is bad but can u tell me about the ones that arent..........not just hairspray but other products as well!!!




  1. No CFC, no carbon admissions, natural products from the environment, grow your own vegetables and fruits, recycle your laundry water to the gardens, save your rain water from the gutters to water your garden


    this site lists different environmentally safe products ranging in a wide variety

  3. There are about a million things you can do - and not do -  to lessen your negative impact on the planet. Using more earth friendly products is an excellent idea and there are quite a few reputable companies now - Ecover, Bio D and Weleda to name a few.

    I think it's worth buying beauty products from small companies which take care to use fresh, local and organic ingredients where possible. Small scale soap makers often use lovely, high quality ingredients, for example.

    For your own sake, as well as for the environment, avoid products conatining parabens. Also artificial musks are particularly bad as they persist in the environment.

  4. everything hurts the environment even ppl.

  5. Old light bulbs (new ones contain mercury), plastic bags (avoid paper they are hard to recycle) Gasoline (by using it now you will keep it from being available in the future) Fake Christmas trees (they can be reused and prevent the killing of a tree). Automobiles (they save your energy)

  6. not all products are harmful but you can recycle plastic bottles by reusing them again and this are the products


    2.bags made out of textiles

    3.paper bags etc.things that are not plastic and made of recycable paper.

  7. bees wax candle

  8. Here is a link to a site that gives you info on all kinds of environmentally friendly products:

    Also, Burt's Bees and Aveda are as well.

  9. we have the same hat. and  garbage in the lake.

  10. boiled flax seed - 2 tbsp flax 1 cup water boil and strain

    makes a natural hair gel it actually used to be used in hairsalons in the 1920's  it could be diluted to make a hair spray.  might need a couple drops of essential oil to lake it last longer.  The jar you store it in must be sterile or it will go bad.

  11. pretty much anything you cannot grow yourself or find naturally is going to be bad simply because of the manufacturing process involved....

    so you can have BAD products and LESS BAD

    lets look at candles for example

    worse - Parrifin Wax candles - these are the regular candles you see most often - Parrafin is a petrolium based product.. its bad for the enviroment and infact bad for you

    medium - SOY based candles.. far less damaging to the enviroment and way less bad for you to breathe in.. but still bad because of the manufacturing process

    BEST - Beeswax candles.. we need bees.. they pollinate many more plants than you can think of so this encourages people to keep bees (who are not harmed in any way).. the beex wax is safer for you to use and less harmful to the enviroment

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