Hi everyone! I'm trying to pick a major. I just recently graduated from high school and am having a hard time picking a major. I have a passion for environmental stuff, so definitely an environmental major. I don't want an ordinary "green collar job," I actually want to travel the world and make a difference. I would definitely go into environmental engineering, but alas I suck at math a lot, so I can't go into engineering. I don't want to major in environmental science because I hate the researching aspect of it. I like green technology but I just can't think of a major that will land me a worth while job working in the green technology field. Btw, I really want to travel the world and help developing counteries and just really make a difference even if its a small one. I don't know, I'm willing to major in anything will allow me to do so. I've done extensive research but still haven't come across anything. Please, please help me think of something. I really need your help. thanks