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  1. well...for a paper its an opening statement usully at the end of your intro paragraph that states what your paper is about.

  2. A proposition that is maintained by argument.

    A dissertation advancing an original point of view as a result of research, especially as a requirement for an academic degree.

    A hypothetical proposition, especially one put forth without proof.

    The first stage of the Hegelian dialectic process.

    The long or accented part of a metrical foot, especially in quantitative verse.

    The unaccented or short part of a metrical foot, especially in accentual verse.

    Music. The accented section of a measure.

    [Latin, from Greek, from tithenai, to put. Senses 5 and 6, Middle English, from Late Latin, lowering of the voice, from Greek, downbeat, from tithenai.]

    Antonyms: thesis


    Definition: belief, assumption

    Antonyms: certainty, fact, proof, reality

    Literary Dictionary: thesis

    thesis, an argument or proposition, which may be opposed by an antithesis; or a scholarly essay defending some proposition, usually a dissertation submitted for an academic degree. The thesis of a literary work is its abstract doctrinal content, that is, a proposition for which it argues. For ‘thesis novel’, see roman à thèse; for ‘thesis play’, see problem play.

    Grammar Dictionary: thesis

    The central idea in a piece of writing, sometimes contained in a topic sentence.

    Poetry Glossary: Thesis

    The first part of an antithetical figure of speech; also, the unaccented or shorter part of a poetic foot.

    An essay or treatise on a particular subject.

    The average Ph.D. thesis is nothing but a transference of bones from one graveyard to another. — James Frank Dobie

    A thesis (from Greek θέσις position) is an intellectual proposition. A thesis statement is the statement that begins a formal essay or argument, or that describes the central argument of an academic paper or proposition.

    In academia, a thesis or dissertation is a document that presents the author's research and findings and is submitted in support of candidature for a degree or professional qualification.[1]

    Nature of an academic thesis

    The thesis is the main idea of one's research. The thesis or dissertation is normally the culmination of a candidate's research; submission of the thesis represents the completion of the final requirement for the degree being sought. In certain faculties (such as fine or performance arts), the thesis may be a form of an artistic performance, a written work (of music, or of fiction, for example), or a painting or other artistic production.

    The length of the thesis will vary depending on the specific degree. Thesis submitted as part of the requirements for an undergraduate degree are usually much shorter than those submitted as part of a Ph.D. (or other research-oriented doctorate). Length may be calculated in number of words, number of pages, or, when the thesis is written in a character-based language (such as Chinese or Japanese), number of characters.

    Theses are most often written in the main language of instruction at the university granting the degree, but students of languages and linguistics, or those undertaking research in foreign languages, are sometimes permitted to submit the thesis in the language studied. In some countries it is a requirement to include at least some material in an international academic language; originally Latin and at one time French or German, this nowadays almost always means English. In countries where English is the predominant language of academic work, especially in the sciences, for example in the Netherlands or Scandinavia, an entire thesis may be submitted in English.

  3. A thesis is simply a statement that will present your professional ideas or whatever your research is being done, more like a professional introduction.

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