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how is this possible?





  1. Possibly. Science is still exploring the secrets of pheromones. Some insects and animals use these compounds to select an appropriate mate but in humans, this is a debated issue. Since the production of pheromones is linked to DNA, then maybe it is possible.

  2. Great question, but I'm not sure if science has discovered mate selection based on DNA yet.  Thus far, it is a cultural/sociological construct... as in, what one culture deems attractive is what ends up dictating sexual selection.  However, there have been many studies done on how humans are attracted to symmetry of the face and certain physical attributes on a subconscious basis.  This could very well have something to do with natural selection (not sexual selection as described above) because the human brain has evolved to recognize symmetry as an indicator of successful reproduction.  So, this would be attributed to DNA on some level... as well as the study of evolutionary psychology.

  3. Stop shouting!

  4. There was a study done a few years ago where some college guys were given the same type of clean t-shirts to sleep in and then they were put into individual plastic bags.  Then, the researchers asked some college girls to smell each of the t-shirts and rate them on how s**y they found the smell of each. (College students will do anything for money.)

    They also genetically typed all of the participants.  (They used the MHC loci, which is part of your immune system and very diverse among people.)  They found out that the women preferred the smells of the men who most UNLIKE themselves genetically.  (But, this only worked if the women were not taking birth control pills . . . there's an interesting evolutionary reason for that.)

    So, in this sense, your DNA does contribute to people being attracted to each other.

  5. well, apparently your genetics decides how homo/hetrosexual you are, so in a way it could decide if you go for more masculine or feminine men or women.  although men tend to go towards women that are similar to their mother, so it is probably a combination of nature and nurture in this case

  6. No, not directly> But if your DNA gives you a smart look, indirectly, yes

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