
CANADA? is it really free?

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Is Canada really the most free country? is weed legal? i am seriously thinking about moving there so please tell me what you know about laws there..




  1. I don't think weed is legal there, but there are some companies out there selling legal herb. International Oddities produces hybrid flavors and they are as detrimental to your health like cigarettes and cigars are. Check them out

    Who wants to leave the US anyway?!

  2. To Joel T : another point to mention is that if you are on trial and aquitted by a jury in Canada the prosicutor can retry you (no I'm not kidding) ! And to all the Canadians : please stop this idiocy of referring to our health system as being " free " you pay for it one way or another.

  3. Yes, it's possibly the most free country.  Definitely the most free in North America.

    Weed isn't legal, only decriminalized.  Which means you won't be charged as a criminal if you have a bit on you.  But you just can't go smoking it down the street; you can't walk around with beer either.  Same thing.  But you don't get hassled for stupid little things that are no one else's business anyway.

  4. no weed is NOT legal

  5. no its not legal, and yes we dont have to pay for health care or education *up to grade 12) but we do pay all of this in taxes, which i find to be great because if you need to go to the doctors for something, you can, you dont have to worry about expensive tests.

  6. Weed is not legal but we have coffee shops you can go into to smoke weed. Not buy it, just bring your own. What a country!!!

    Love it!!! Canada would be one of the more free countries in the world.

  7. lol, well its legal until you get caught.

    and you have to pay taxes so technically its not "free".

    it is free in the sense that you're allowed to say and believe what you want.

  8. I read Joel T's answer with some interest.  His statement that in Canada there is not a right to keep and bear arms is not correct.  Any law abiding Canadian citizen has the right to purchase a firearm.  He may need to go through a few more steps than his American neighbour.  First anyone wishing to purchase a gun for the first time must attend a federally approved firearms safety course.  If that individual wishes to acquire handguns there is an additional course that he must take.  That individual must then apply to the Federal Government for a Firearms Licence.  Once a police background check has been completed that individual is issued his licence and may then acquire pretty much whatever he likes.  (Assault rifles, machine guns and some cheap handguns are however prohibited).  All firearms must be legally registered as well.    Storage and transportation laws are also strict but clearly defined.  Over the years there has been great debate about Canadian gun laws but I for one don't really see anything particularly unfair or heavy handed about them.

  9. to whoever said that our health care isn't free.. watch Sicko and you will see what a disgusting state the United States is in.

    We have higher minimum wages.

    And to Joel - you are sadly mistaken as you can bear arms in Canada, just not the scary way that Americans can.

  10. Depends on who you ask there are actually some video's on youtube stating that Canada is becoming another Police state. They do not have the right to keep and bear arms. Which in our constitution is vital to a free state. However the U.S. is not really free either we have anti gun groups that wish to ban guns. Even though gun bans have statistically shown not to curb violence but encourage it. Off of the gun topic there are many other things such as the right too habeas corpus or a speedy trial usually is not guaranteed any more because of laws on drugs that put some users in for possession which overwhelms the court system and jails.

    there are also laws that make a person who goes to the bathroom in public. (For example on the side of the highway)

    A level one s*x offender. There are so many laws that are made for ridiculous reasons that America is not really free at all. So Canada in a sense is just as free as we are.

    My APoligies KNH I was just repeating what my girlfriends family told me they are from Canada Nova Scotia. They said no one has the right to keep and bear arms. I am not trying to be ignorant but for me to explain all the things I brought up would take some time.

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