
CANCER questions....????

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Can you answer some of these qeustions w/ what you know about the subject, or what you think!! i have to post this for a class assignment to see how mch ppl kno bout the topic!!!

thanks for all you help!!

A:**name some healthful strategies to reduse cancer risk

B:**how would you encourage ppl to develop these habits

C:**what info on technlgy for cancer do you know? like what type of technological advances have been made in this topic??

D:** what treatments imact the health status of ppl w/ cancer??




  1. The type of cancer is a big factor, but in short.

    A:  Healthy living, eating right (good food), good supplemental program, avoiding cancer causing chemicals and harmful radiations.

    B: Education, Education, Education

    C: One of the biggest discoveries in recent times is the understanding of how Free Radicals and Chronic Inflammation contribute to many disease processes.

    D: Chemo, Radiation/Proton Therapy, Alternative Treatments are argumentative but overwhelming anecdotal evidence suggests that high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory regimens through natural nutritional supplementation are a big plus.


  2. A.  Stop tobacco abuse, stop smoking.  Eat raw fruits and vegetables ( because of the vitamin content).  Cut back on red meats.  Avoid foods that have known carcinogens.

    B.  Give people information about others with cancer.  Including pictures.  

    C.  Radiation treatment of certain tumors, such as liver cancer, has advanced to a stage where the outcome has become more favorable.

    Look into the advanced radiation therapies on the web.

    D.  I don't understand that last question, unless you are inquiring as to the health status impact following treatment for cancer.  If that's the case, chemotherapy has terrible side effects in some people, such as, extreme nausea and vomiting, hair loss, weight loss,etc.  Radiation therapy has burning of tissue, among other things.  You can also find out more about this subject on the net.      

  3. A .Use sun tan lotion at least 30 to combat skin cancer.  Do not use mercury based underarm deodorant. Exercise.  Watch what you eat; some foods combat cancer others encourage it.

    B. Advertising, TV personalities, cancer support groups to promote healthy living.

    C. New treatments in combating cancer are in "Clinical Studies" that some patients are using.  Chemo treatments can fight cancer and new drugs are used to combat sickness.  There are new machines that tests blood, and bone to determine cancerous cells in the body.  There are tests to take that can tell if cancer is hereditary in your family by your dna.

    D. Cancer treatments varies depending on the type of cancer a patient has.  Some use chemo, radiation, or surgery.  Cancer is not as deadly as it once advances are happening and new awareness about cancer is bringing new funds to it.

    There is a big celebrity fund raising happening soon on American TV that will bring cancer to the forefront of public awareness soon.

  4. A:**name some healthful strategies to reduce cancer risk

    The first thing to do is Be Happy and Smile.

    I work in Cancer Research. I come from Bombay, India. Colorectal cancers were unheard in India until the past few yrs before McDonalds, Wendys, Subway and places like that have come up and suddenly there is a rise in such cancers.

    Prevention is the best cure: Stop smoking, stop inhaling second hand smoke, live in rural areas with less pollution, eat and drink properly i.e. no red meat, vegetables, stop consumption of alcohol, drugs...  

    B:**how would you encourage ppl to develop these habits

    Education, gradual change. How I approach my patients: Dont stop eating red meat; instead cut it drastically and replace it with Chicken. Do Indian Yoga- Pranayama

    C:**what info on technology for cancer do you know? like what type of technological advances have been made in this topic??

    Chemotherapy, Radiation, Image Guided Radiotherapy, Surgery, Chemo given during Surgery (Local Chemo), Alternative Therapies, Yoga - mainly Pranayama

    D:** what treatments impact the health status of ppl w/ cancer??

    See C

    Also, I would like to add is Prevention is the best possible action. Do routine tests, go to the doctors and dentists periodically.

    People in the country think that eating Meat- getting better protein is the best way to stay fit. Plants live on sunlight and water to survive, similarly animal including Human organs live on Oxygen. Pranayama helps in oxygenating your body; in turn helping the organs live longer and function better.

  5. A. Lifestyle modifications: no smoking, little drinking, exercise, proper medical preventative medicine, healthy diet, avoid inhaling harmful fumes/substances (asbestos), wear sunscreen/avoid prolonged sun exposure.

    B. Educate, educate, educate!!!!   Lead by example.

    C. Pet scans. radiation, new chemos, and clinical trials are always advancing

    D. chemo can reduce wbs, hgb and plt count. leaving people open for infection, or bleeding disorders.   radiation will harm both cancer cells and healthy surrounding tissue sometimes causing permanent scaring of organs, radiation proctitus, abnormal bleeding. All of the treatments have the potential to be cardio, hepato, and renal toxic to some extent.  

  6. D.  Some chemo drugs can cause permanent heart damage.  In regards to chidren with cancer - radiation to the developing brain can cause learning disabilities and is avoided if possible.  

    Also, high doses of steroids and/or radiation (both used to fight certain cancers) can cause AVN (avascular necrosis).  AVN is a condition characterized by cell death in bones caused by a compromised blood supply to the bone. Advanced cases show bone collapse in the affected joint.  I know of an 18 year old leukemia patient who has had to a hip replacement due to AVN.

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