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Do they belive in an apology

and how do u apologize to them

what do they look for in friends




  1. hey just apologise like a true human being there's nothing to do with astrology for apologising....

  2. Cappy's will accept an apology, but things may never be the same, especially if you have violated their honor, trust or loyalty. It may take a long time for the relationship to be the way it was,  if these were factors or you may find them drifting away from your relationship even after the apology. Cappy's are keepers for friends.

  3. you have to be really sincere with the apologies or else they dont mean sh*t! we dont like fake apologies and fake people. we can forgive but we will never forget so whatever you did you had better not do it again or you will catch h*ll for it next time, except cappi wont be so nice about it the 2nd time around.

    apologize by admitting you were wrong. be sincere. tell them you are so sorry. be on the line of *ss kissing because if they mean enough to you it will be worth it to put in the effort. be serious about it and dont smile while saying it. make a big deal about it, but don't do it in a smiley 'laugh it off' type of way.

    example: " i am so sorry. I know what i did was wrong. I won't let that happen again. I didn't mean to hurt you, I am just as dissapointed in myself as you are....." etc. make it elaborate until they tell you that is enouhg. talk slow and somewhat queitely. if they snap at you while you apologize just take it and dont' say anything. they will come around, but if you become defensive they will see you really are not sorry and will get over you instead of getting over the incident.

    friends for cappis. Capricorn is best with:

    taurus, pisces, virgo, scorpio. that goes true for love and friendships and family etc. so if you are not one of these signs it migth be hard for cappi to take your apology seriously and harder for them to forgive you. Cappi to Cappi can work in close friendhsips and family but sometimes they dont. but it is obvious, as in all or nothing from the start. capricorn to cancer doesn't usually work out too well, at least not long term that is.

    we (I am cappi too), need friends who are loyal, polite, well mannered, somewhat reserved in personality or shy, trustable and trusting and calm in personality. no drama, chaos, or backstabbing. no soap opera queens or players and swingers and flirty fishes who are light hearted. they need serious friends who they can rely on when they need someone and not fair weather friends who only stop by for a good time when you are in a good mood.

  4. yes i believe in apology. u just say i am sorry. i look for someone who u can trust and open up to.  i was born jan.1 so i am a capricorn
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